Sir: Letters to public journals are doubtley, admirable vehicles for conducting public debates on topics of interest, but perhaps someone would explain what this has to do with the lack of suitable machinery for recalling Parliament? This is purely a matter regulating °- the internal conduct of the House and can hardly be said to be of the slightest interest to the public at large.
If Messrs. Barnett and Heller are determined to flaunt their lack of commonsense and enter- prise in the columns of the press (Letters, 13 September), of course, no one will deny them, right of space, although they can hardly com- plain if the public draws the inevitable conclu- sion. Indeed, the sheer helplessness of this re- markable pair in the face of adversity must make them strong contenders for the next two vacant places in the Cabinet.
David I. Peet 7 Pilgrims Lane, Bugbrooke, Northampton