Health Service watchdogs
Sir:I feel some publicity should be given to the activities of a body variously called 'Medical Research Group', 'Medical Service Quality Control', operating from Nottingham. I assume my own experience is not unique.
The day previous to my attendance at hospital for an operation, leaflets came to
me by post warning me of the deficiencies of the Health Service, and seeking my co-operation in reporting any that came to my notice. A copy of the group's news letter, 'Negligence News', reminded me of the horrors that could happen—`wrong leg amputated', `Fatal overdose after check by four staff nurses; and other bloodcurdling stories of disaster.
Whether this packet came to me when it did by accident or design I do not know. The material was expensively produced and would certainly seriously disturb the timid, and seems to me an outrageous example of unintelligent, busybody pamphleteering which should be exposed.
The leaflets bore two names only : President: Lady Hoare, Secretary : P. Cohen and carried no medical qualifica- tions whatever.
I am constrained to add that my first experience of our Health Service at the age of seventy-three brought me nothing but admiration for the care, devotion and skill of the staff.
Leslie Gardner
36 New Street, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon