. Considerable discussion has taken place in the German Diet,
for some time past, on the subject of the Press; which, to tyrants, oligarehs, and aristocrats, in every land under heaven, is a sore evil. The Diet, after due deliberation, came to a resolution teuckL ing three journals,—namely, the German Tribune andthe West-. bote, published in Rhenish Bavaria, and the New teitOwing,en,' published in Hanau. Their judgment was published on'the 13th. of.Mareh. It orders the suppression of the three journals ; the Diet being convinced
" That the said journals depreciate the dignity and security of the Federation and of the individual states—endanger the peace and tranquillity of Germany— strive to loosen the bonds of confidence and attachment between princes and people—endeavour to annihilate the authority of Governments—attack the in- violability of sovereigns—threaten persons and property by appeals to force— instigate to commotion—and seek to introduce into Germany political disor- ganization and anarchy, and to form and propagate associations dangerous to the state."
It also prohibits the publication of any new journal in their stead, under any title whatever; and it prohibits Messrs. W IRTH, SIR BE NPFEI FFER, and STEIN, the three editors of the suppressed journals, from editing any similar publication within the boun- daries of the Confederation, for the next five years. The Court of Bavaria has, after some delay, acceded to this regulation, and added its more limited authority to that of the Diet.