21 APRIL 1832, Page 1


THE week that is now expiring has offered little on .which to comment. The Lords broke up on Tuesday and the Commons on Wednesday, both for a holyday season of rather more than usual duration. The latter have earned their leisure ; in the enjoyment of which we wish them all imaginatlepleasum : the labours of the former were only beginning to begin, when Easter interposed for their temporary relief. The business of neither House has been great. The Commons did not sit on Tuesday,—report says, because Lord ALTHORP was unprepared to enter on the Bank question, the Committee on which he had given notice of for that night. There were several other notices, which might have led to a long and not very satisfactory debate, that Ministers were no doubt equally willing to get rid of, at least for a season. Mr. FoVVELL BUXTON'S motion for a return of the killed andwounded in the late insurrection in Jamaica, was calculated to provoke a discussion which would have served as an indifferent commencement of the period of quiet enjoyment to which the House was looking forWard, and might have awakened feelings but ill according with the sacred solemnities of the Holy Week. The thinness of the House—the Members of which, ever since the Bill went up to the Lords, have been rapidly dropping off—formed a. still better reason for deferring a subject which calls for all the consideration of its collectiVe Wisdeni. The postponement of tile. motion for the Bank Committee, until after the recess, which took place on.Wednesday, will leave ample time tor preparation both to the Bank and the Public. Lord 'SALISBURY, in the 'Upper House, has given notice of an instruction to the Reform Committee,—embodying, we suppose, the amendments which he wishes the ComMittee to adopt ; and Lord WYNFORD adheres to his purpose of calling for the discus- sion of the BOundaries Bill previous to entering on the Reform Bill. Lord WINFORD'S zeal against the Bill is of the most dis- interested kind, for assuredly no Lord or Commoner in the realm may with more truth- join in the burden the philosophic miller of Dee- " I care for nobody, no, not I,

For nobody cai-es for me."

'Other noble Lords are earnest to have the Scotch and Irish Bills before them previous to entering on the English Bill: So that Ministers are likely to be met by as many pretences for delay as they encountered in the House of Commons. They have buckled themselves to the task of removing a:cm—gently if possible; and if gentle means will not do, they are, we believe, prepared to use rough. In all probability, therefore, before the arrival of the Dog- days, - we shall be able to say of the Boroughmongers—" These dogs have had their day." The Anatomy Bill . has passed the Committee of the House of Commons, after much and earnest protestation from Mr. IVATT BRISCOE and Mr. HENRY HUNT. Mr. STANLEY'S Tithe Bill is now safe from reproach—it has passed the bar of the Upper House; the sorrows of the Archbishop of CANTERBURY"S Encou-; ragement of Pluralities Bill are beginning—it has passed the bar of the Lower House.

The two Houses'Meet again on Monday the 7th May. - The good people of Paris, like good people everywhere, must. have some toy to amuse them. The present subject of discussion is a sum of 12,000 francs [nearly 5001.] which the Duchess of BERRI has been endeavouring by all means to force on the accept-: once of the authorities as her contribution towards the distresses of her dear Paris. The go-between of the wily little-Italian-was that prince of quacks CHATESUBRIAND, who has successively flattered- every party in France, and been neglected and despised by the whole of them because he could do nothing else but flatter. He makes, of &arse, a mighty racket about the widow's mite, as he. calls it ; which has evidently been contributed with a view to ex- cite a feeling in her favour among the unthinking of the capital, and to afford a text for the Opposition prints to preach from. The civil authorities have refused to have any thing to do with the do- nation of the Duchess ; and CHATEAUBRIAND says he will give it to the clerical authorities. No doubt, they will accept it. _ - The Cholera still rages in Paris, though its violence has within. the lait few days put on a semblance of mitigation. From a re-: port which appears in the Moniteur, and- which professes to give an accurate list of the deaths from the commencement, it appears that the disease was at its acme on the 9th; on which day 861- deaths are reported. On the following seven days, the numbers stand thus-848, 769, 728, 816, 692, 567, 512. As the great, number of funerals very much tended to keep alive the alarm of the people, they have been ordered in future to. take. place during the night. The President of the Council is still confined to his chamber, but he is out of danger. It seems very doubtful whether. he ever had cholera; and whether the imputation of the disease: to the Prime Minister was not a well-meant fiction, intended to take from the people the notion, that it attacked only the poor;. It is now said that Madame PERIER has also had a slight attack. Tile cholera has, however, without including the Minister or his sufficiently vindicated its impartiality. Many persons itt the better; and many in the highest walks of life, have fallen vic= tims to it. Among the latter, the following names occur— • - The Marquis de Croix' the Marquis de Malleville and Count Cassini, peeni of France ; Chedeaux, Deputy; Crignon Deputy ; General Colignet;; Dr. Fleury, of the hospital of Val de Grace; the Baroness Delaitre ; the Mar- chioness d'Etaropes.; S1e4anies Bell:Inger and Deazan; daUghters of Litait.-GL. Taviel, who both died within forty-eight hours; and a daughter of Count Moles We doubt whether we can legitimately include among the latter the old Prince of CASTELCICALA, although the ''Paris journalists do, It seems an act of supererogation to invoke a. fiend from the Ganges to destroy a man of eighty. The news of the second reading of the English Reform Bill was received at Paris with great rejoicing. The-whole of the Liberal journals hail it as an earnest of continued amity between the two countries, and as openinc, up the most certain prospect of prosperity .to-bOth, -