21 APRIL 1832, Page 1

The remaining ratifications of the Belgian treaty, with the excep-

tion of those of Russia, which still tarry by the way (waiting for a bill of indemnity for Poland ?) were exchanged on Wednesday. It was the wish of the Austrian and Prussian plenipotentiaries to wait for the-despatelres expected by Prince LiEvEN,—which will, it is said, arrive at farthest. in the course of next week; but the British and -French Plenipotentiaries so strongly impressed upon theM the necessity of an immediate settlement, that they were in- duced to forego their first intention. To the treaty thus sanctioned by four out of the Five Powers by whose negotiations it was al., ranged, an article has beeit,added, providing that, in the event of any private treaty being entered into by the King of Holland and the King of Belgium, that treaty, if it receive the approbation of the Five Powers, shall be incorporated with and considered as part of the 'original treaty.

This weighty affair, which fora twelvemonth past has threatened little else than a war throughout Europe, and which at one time seemed utterly incapable of an amicable adjustment, may there- fore be now looked on as finally composed. The Ministers, we doubt not, sincerely congratulate themselves on its settlement. If it Could be so arranged, it would be the most prudent plan, and save much blood and treasure and great suffering to all parties, were the same Powers to take up the dispute between PEDRO and MIGUEL, and, compelling the latter to abandon his usurped seat, to make peaceable way for its lawful owner.