21 APRIL 1832, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAYMORNING.-Consols closed OIL Saturday at 84,A A. Exchequer Bills left off at Its. to 13s.prem. The second reading produced. a rise, but not a great one. It may indeed be laid down as an almost invariable rule, that no event, great or small, materially affects the Market at the moment of its occurrence. The shadow goes before it. In fact, the great jobbers possess, in almost all cases, the intelligence which is to raise or lower the Funds, some twenty-four or forty-eight hours, as the case may be, before it reach the pub- lic ; and the consequence is, that for that interval the rise or the decline commences and goes on with accelerated or retarded course, according as they happen to be speculating with or against the tendency of the Market. There was, besides, in the small majority and in the character of those who made it up but little to produce enthusiasm. One step was past ; but shadows, clouds, and darkness rested on what remained. There has, however, been a pretty steady, though slow advance ; which was increased on Thursday, by the an- nouncement of the ratification of the Belgic treaty by Prussia and Austria. The closing price on Thursday was 85A A. Yesterday, being Good Friday,

was a close holyday. eLOsING PRIM OF STOCKS OR THURSDAY.

Bank Stock 197 S 3 per Cent. Red. 841.1 3 per Cent. Consols t54 Consols for Acct. 85i 4 31 per Cent. New 921 4 Lung Annuities - - Ex. 13ills, 1000/. lls.12s. pm. India Bonds la. dis. to par

India Stock 2054 64

SATURDAY, Noox.-Consols for the Account have been at 85,4, 4, buyers.

Brazilian 434 44 Spanish 131 144 Chilian 15 16 Ditto New 124 1 Columbian 11 12

Danish Greek 67 4 29 31 SHARES, Bolanos 120 130 Mexican 314 Brazilian 40 42 Peruvian - - Columbian - - Portuguese 494 501 Anglo Mexican ..

7 8

Russian 98 / United Mexican . 4 I