IF any author or authoress deserves to he reprinted in a lovely form, illustrated with plates, and adorned with fancy binding, it is the charming instructress of our youth, the great promoter of education, the friend and benefactor of Ireland. The idea of this republication reflects credit on Messrs. BALDWIN and CannocR ; and it is impossible to find fault with the execution. Gratitude for the instruction and delight we have derived from these vo- lumes, prompts us to repay some portion of our debt, by a more solid mark of attachment than this poor notice. The time, how- ever, may come. Now, at least, it is best to announce to all that part of the public who love to see truth and fiction amalgamated in the closest and most pleasing form, that they may procure the works of MARIA EDGEWORTH in small and beautiful monthly volumes, at the price of five shillings each. The Parent's Assistant, and those excellent works adapted for children, will be printed in a smaller form.