21 APRIL 1832, Page 5


There was an alarm of fire at the House of Lords on Sunday ; which was, however, soon put down. It appeared that a portion of the mat- ting which covers the passage by which the King enters, had been placed too near the stove which stands in the centre of the passage, mid had caught fire. There was a great deal of smoke, and sonic heat, but very little flame ; so that the affiiir, in its essential characters, suited remarkably well with the practice of the Ilouse.

The Governor, Deputy Governor, and Directors of the Bank of England, were, on Monday, unanimously reelected for another year.

The following commanders took leave of the Court of East India Directors on Wednesday, previous to departing for their respective destinations,—viz. Captain Robert Cook Fowler, Lord Lowther; and Captain H. L. Thomas, Berwickshire, China direct.

The quarterly sale of indigos by the East India Company, which commenced the 10th instant, closed on Tuesday. The total quantity was 3,462 chests of Bengal, Benares and Tirhoot; 1,800 Company's goods ; 431 Madras ; 13 1.1iinlapatain, and 10 Java. Before the sale commenced, 34 chests were withdrawn.

The inhabitants of Marylebone met on Monday at the Portman Square Bazaar, to celebrate their triumph over the Select Vestry. Mr. Hume was in the chair. It appears that the entire number of votes procured by the Committee was 6,756; which were, on a scrutiny, re- duced to 4,468 ; leaving the nett majority of 527. At the close of the proceedings, Mr. Hume proposed three times three to " 'William the Reformer ;" which were given with great enthusiasm.

The York, of 600 tons, the Frances Charlotte, of 300 tons, from Madras, and the North Britain, of 500 tons, from Batavia, arrived in the Downs on Wednesday, with the wind at south-west; proceeded for the Thames ; and arrived off Gravesend about twelve o'clock on Thurs- day ; were taken in tow by steam-boats, and safely docked in the St. Katharine Docks, although the wind was down the River, before five o'clock on Thursday afternoon ; thus performing the voyage from the Downs into the Docks in about thirty hours.

The Castor, 46, will be launched about the 2d or 3d of May. She is built after a plan of Sir R. Seppings's, and is to be immediately fitted for sea, to be tried against the Vernon, building at Woolwich under the superintendence of Captain Symonds. '

Lord Goderich has allowed the shareholders of the North American Land Company ten years to pay whatever valuation may be at first agreed on. The quantity of land-500,000 acres—required by the public meeting is granted to the Company, with liberty to extend their opera- tioas to other provinces.

The number of emigrants that have sailed from the Thames in the course of the last eight days is very great. On Monday, the Crown sailed with 250; on Tuesday, the Bulfinch and Branken Moore sailed with 250; on "Wednesday, another vessel followed with 150; on Satur- day, the Mansfield left St. Catharine's Docks with 150 passengers for Hobart Town ; on Sunday, three ships sailed, carrying altogether 500 passengers for America. Two vessels, carrying each 190 females, under twentv-one years of age, to Van Diemen's Land, sailed from Woolwich the previous week ; and on Thursday, a vessel left Deptford for the same quarter with 200 or 300 more.. Besides these, the Go- vernor Halket has sailed with 190 passengers; and twelve other vessels are now fitting out for a similar voyage.

In the Spectator of last week, it was erroneously stated, that the supporters of Mr. Irving's opinions on the subject of the human nature of Christ had been expelled from the Trinitarian Bible Society. A motion to that effect was made at the meeting held on the 12th instant ; but rejected, after an animated discussion of six hours.

Mr. Irving appeared last Sunday afternoon on Islington Green, and addressed himself for about two hours to a respectable assembly of

about 1,000 persons. Mr. Irving has, it seems, been summoned to ap- pear before the London Presbytery to answer for the alleged heresy of the Tongues. By the trust deed, the Presbytery are the sole judges of all disputes between Mr. Irving and his people.

At Bow Street, on Tuesday, the publisher of the Literary Gazelle appeared to the information lodged against him by Mr. Judge for print-

ing news on unstamped paper, contrary to the Stamp Act. Mr. Adol- phus said the 7th Geo. IV., passed for consolidating all the former sta- tutes relating to stamps, enacted that any action in the courts above for the recovery of penalties, should be brought by the Attorney-General. The summons was dismissed.

A man named Kelly has been committed from the Mansionhouse, for stealing from Messrs. Shackell and Baylis half a hundredweight of the O'Briens and O'Flaherties. He seems to have had a strong attachment to Lady Morgan's offspring.

.On Tuesday night, about nine, the family of A. Christie, Esq., of No. 8, Grove Terrace, Regent's Park, were greatly alarmed on account of the disappearance of Miss E. Christie, a ward in Chancery. Every

inquiry was made for her, but without success : it was at last ascer- : tained that she had eloped with a portrait-painter named Lees, from Edinburgh, a recent acquaintance. The lady is eighteen years of age. -..:Globe. [An application on the subject was made on Wednesday in the Court of Chancery; which has issued the usual order.]

-On Thursday morning, a Kingston barge, heavily laden with malt, proceeding down the river with a rapid tide, struck upon the ruins of the south pier of the centre arch of the old London Bridge. The con- cussion was so violent, that the back of the barge was broken.

Eight unfortunate individuals, seven men and a boy, were drowned iu LiMehouse Reach yesterday. They were ballast-heavers in the em- ployment of the Trinity House ; and were proceeding ashore in a very old skiff belonging to the ballast-vessel, when a plank started, and the skiff immediately went down. The mate of the vessel saved himself with difficulty by swimming ashore.

On Wednesday, a young lady was knocked down, and run over, by a cart, in Wilna Place, Brompton, and so seriously injured that her life is despaired of.

Three fellows, who turned out to be resurrectionists, were seized last Friday at the New Cross-Road, Deptford, with a cart, in which were the bodies of two old men. They proved to be the bodies of two con- 1,1ssicts that bad died on board the Justitia. The bodies were immediately reinterred in Plumstead churchyard, whence they had been taken. On

Monday, the same policemen stopped a fourth man with a cart at the same spot; which proved to contain the two identical bodies they had previously seized, and which had a second time been stolen from the churchyard. They were all four committed.

An inquest was held on Saturday, and by adjournment on Monday, ;It the Coal Hobe, Strand, on the body of a new-horn male infant, which, ii was alleged, had been destroyed by its mother, Mary Poulton. A piece of tape was found on the body, and, when compared with the mark, fitted as nearly as possible. The Jury found a verdict of wilful murder.

On Saturday, a house belonging to Mr. Coombes, hair-cutter, No. 20, Leather Lane, Holborn, suddenly fa to the ground. It was full of lodgers, who had scarcely time to make their escape.

On Wednesday, an oil-shop, No. 149, Drury Lane, took fire, and be- fore it could be extinguished, the whole of its contents were completely destroyed.