The Irish journals continue to notice the disturbances excited by the faction called Whitefeet. On Wednesday sennight, a party of theta attacked a house near Stradbally, Queen's County ; but the police having had notice of the attack, were strongly posted in the house, and the Whitefeet were beaten off—one account says, with the loss of five killed and a number—thirty or forty—taken prisoners.
There was a muster of the same description of rioters in a wood near Carlow, on Friday sennight, where they are said to have does great mischief—to the wood, we suppose. There was no "killing" , in this case.
There was a serious disturbance at Bilboa, on Monday sennight, a "cant " of a cow belonging to the parish priest, which had beep, seized for arrear of tithe. The military, called out on the occasioes were severely pelted, and compelled to adopt pretty severe measure* in their defence. A great many of the mob were hurt.
At the Tullow Sessions on Monday, the Messrs. Whitty, who bad five civil bill decrees against persons residing in the parish of Rathvillys, applied successively to in Court; but to a man the gen- tlemen of the law refused being directly or indirectly concerned for the Church.—Carlow Sentinel.