21 APRIL 1832, Page 8


Tuesday, 17th


BOTCHERBV and Co., Gordon Gill, Durham. coal-mine-workers; as far as regards BOTCHKRBY—OLDKNow and Witsox, Nottingham, mercers—MOORS and TOMLINSON. Blackburn. drapers—CoweEtr, and BertER, Liverpool, fancy brush-makers—T. and J. ROA DBOUSE, Slwffield, IIIICIHRTCOBCIIMCII—DANIELL and BRIGHTWELL, West Berg- bolt. common-brewers—P. and .1. MASSEY, Manchester, porters—Lawson and NIETM. Oldham, cotton-spinners—I. and J. GASKARTH, Altringhatn, wine-inerchauts—Hoanz- • scow and SMILES. Shipston-ou-Stour, surgeons—G. and 0. °DDT, Tong, Yorkshire, rope-makers—Jo:cm and Co., Carnarvon, shopkeepers—GEORGE and GierER, canton, carriers—EnwaRns and Son. Northampton Street, Clerkenwell, leather-pipp- MakerS—WALSO,LEY and Co.. Manchester, engravers—DEACON and HITCHCOCK, Ports- mouth, newspaper-printers—CoutsEtt and ELCH, nAlTimgdOB Street, glove-manufac- turers—SWAN and MEyt.ER, Newgate Market, meat-salesmen—PARKIN and WRIGHT. SUIFKCOBS—THOM AS and CIO/Error?, Bread Street, Chcapside, Manchester-warehousemen —Ilircogrox and Co., upholders.


13tax Er, JOHN, Burnley, cotton-spinner. to surrender May I, 29: solicitors, Mr. Em- mett, New Inn ; and Messrs. Alexander, Halifax.

BROADBENT, JOHN, Hillhouse, Huddersfield, shopkeeper. April 25, May 29: solicitors. Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Messrs. Whitehead and Robinson,.. Huddersfield.

BROCKBANK, THOMAS, Carlisle, and BROCKBANK, ELLWOGD, George Street, near Car- lisle. timber-:nerellants, April 23, May 29: solicitors, Messrs. Law-and Bcudle, Carlisle; and Messrs. Mounsey and Gray, Staple Inn.

GARDINER. WILLIAM lhantv, Norton Folgate, ironmonger, April 24, May 29:


• tor. Mr. Wilson, Staple Inn. Holborn.

114.woarn, Joune, Burnley, ironmonger. May 7, 29: solicitors, Mr. Chester, Staple Inn ; Messrs. Akuek and al'Connochie. Burnley ; and Mr. Haydock, Preston.

Havn-oon, WILLIAM, Birmingham, bookbinder. April 27. 28, May 29: solicitors, Messrs. Alexander and Co., Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn ; and Mr. Danks, Temple Street, Birmingham. MOOG, JOHN JAMES, Great Yarmouth, hatter, April 27, 25. May 29: solicitors, Messrs. Tolver and Preston, Great Yarmouth; and Messrs. Hawkins and Co., New Boswell Court. MURRILL, THOMAS Jonx. York Street, Portman Square, surgeon, May 1, 29: solicitor, Mr. Roberts, Milman Street, Bedtbrd Row. Sitar, Joinc, Norwich, money-scrivener, April 27. May 29: solicitors, Messrs. En- thank and Co., Norwich ; and Mr. Lythgoe, Essex Street, Strand. MACE, Entracte, sen., Osuaburgh Street, Regent's Park, coach-wheelwright, May 29: solicitors, Messrs. Allen and Co., Carlisle Street, Soho Square.

WCORMICE, JAMES and ARCHIBALD, Leeds. drapers, May 2. 29: solicitors, Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Middle Temple ; nod Mr. Fcxlen, Leeds. broltorNAEL, PHILIP, Hosier Lane, glass-dealer, May 1, 29: solicitor, Mr.Phillips, Wal- RORINSON, WILLIAM LEvertacx. Ilenbury, innholdex, May 1, 29: solicitors. Mr. Stevens, Gray's Inn Square ; and Mr. HaberSeld, Bristol. SHERLEY, FREDERICK, Hayes, brewer, May 2, : solicitor, Mr. Newbon, Great Carter Lane, Doctors' Commons. SMITH, THOMAS, Milk Street, Bristol, currier, May 1, 29: solicitors, Mr. Stevens, Gray's Inn Square; and Mr. Habernehl, Bristol.

TURNER, SAMUEL, Ball's Pond. builder, April :26, May 29: solicitors, Mr. Langley, South Square. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Graham, !opthall

VINCENT. RICHARD, Bristol, tailor, May 7, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Hicks and Braikeu- ridge, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn; and Mr. Ilinton, Bristol, INsON. RICHARD HENRY.. and StiouLTs, WrittrAst, Maze, Southwark, carpenters, April 27, May 29: solicitor, Mr. Mitchell. New London Street, Crutched Friars. WARD, WILLIAM JOHN, Bermondsey Street, Southwark, wine-merchant, April 23, May 29: solicitor, Mr. Gale, Basinghall Street. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM Ili:way. Newport, Monmouthshire. corn-merchant, April 21. May 29: solicitors. Messrs. Poole and Co., Gray's Inn Square ; and Messrs. Livett, Broad Street, Bristol.


May 9, Smith, Greenwich, wine-merehant-May 9, Cannon, Edward Street, Portman Square, dealer-May 9, Jenkins, Tunbridge-Wells, grocer -May 10, Bowring,- Law twice Lane. Cheapside, merchant-May 9, Reviler& New Bond Street; tailor-May 15, Snell, Totness, linen-draper-May 8, Dayus, liankside, wwoehwark, engineer-Mar tr, ston and Herein, Henrietta Street, Westminster. tailors-May 10, Tarberville, Wor- cester, grocer-May 10. Martin, Earls Colne, v ualier-May 9, lioliwell and II igh- field, Liverpool, merchants-May 12, Tudor. Bolton. shopkeeper-7day 9, Whore, Leeds, hatter-Mar 15. Kershaw, Rochdale, flannel-niannfacturer-May 9, ;:tope, Coleorton, butcher-M iv 14. Wigstou, Derby, lace-manufacturer-May 9, Crees, East Stonehouse, merchant-May 23, Bright, Devonport, ironmonger.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the f,,h r fn. y. on or hefinY May S.

Moss, New Market Place, Greenwich, cheesemonger--Vi_.liers, Saxilby, victualler- Stourbridge, wine-merchant fair k rho-, Paiding:on, builder - Godden, Ilayout, ehemist-Aust, Waleot, 17ttoKeter, surgeeu-II

ton, Blister: itnikelwr-Johnson, Manchester, innkeeper-Parmer, Cut-ea-ay, saddler-

E =lot, Ilalthis, woolstapler-G ray, Kingston-upon-Hull, whard eger.


AT.LAN, JAMEs, and Son, Glasgow. merchants. April 25. May 9. 711'e num m Doxiti.e, Leith, merchant, April 23. Slay S.

Ss nr, Davin, Aberdeen, hat-manefacturer, April 24, May 10.

Friday, '20th April.


BE.VAN and Co., Liverpool, merchants-Mom:1i E and IInRiL%N, St. Mary Dill mer- chants-SEAnt.t: and GortoNo, King's Bench Walk. Blaekrriars hat-mainifite- turers-Woo ewAlt a and SQUIRE, Leicester, dyers -1;.‘. RNEs • alsl Koaears, I loxton Square, schoolmasters-J. .and .T. SAYAGE, Kenilworth, carpenter,----GARinVER and JAcHsON, -Liverpool, wine-men:hinds-D. and T. Perts, Noweastl,•• upon-Tyne, linen- drapers-Hovi.E, AsHWORTH, and Co.. Newhallhey, Lancadtire, woollen m. annfauturers; xs thr as regards,[. Asitwoirrit-BEETos and JINC;IzNea, Watling Street, warehouse- men-GREAvEs jun.. and -BANKS, Manchester, stcannengiao-tuakcrs-MAER and ..ANRILETT, Kidderminster, carpenters. - • • • • INSOLVENTS. • • • ALT.INANT, RicHARD, Wein, ShrOpshire, victualler, April 14. A.Txtt;sus, J000, Cockermotth, slate-manuhicturer, April 19.


'REYNOLDS, JOHN, Royston, Hertfordshire, carrier, from April 20 to 27.


Boaster, JOgEpit, Lower Grosvenor Place, shoemaker, to serrender April 30, June 1:

r solicitors, Messrs. Kerly and Ware, Gray's Inu Sq:mre.

C WILLIAM, Warwick Square, Kensington, boarding-house keeper, April 30, . June 1: solicitor, Mr. Tomlins, Staple Inn. CROOKs, GEORGE, Anglesea Place, Limehoase, baker, May 1, June 1: solicitor, Mr.

Young. •

GAnCRv, WTT.T.TAm 71ucitr.Y, Leadenhall Street, woollen-draper, May 2, June 1: solicitors, Messrs. Bennett and Paul, Bueklersbury. GREENACRE,JouuN, Brompton, Wilder, May 4, June 1: sol icitor,'Mr. Eaton, New Inn. HALT., CHARLES, jail. Walsall, Staffordshire, brush-maker, May.2, 3, J flue 1: soli- citors, Mr. Jesson, Walsall; and Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Gray's1 IIANNAy, WALTE.R., Liverpool, merchant. May 5, June 1: solicitors, Messrs. Crump, Liverpool; and Messrs. Bathe and Co. Chancery Lane. JAmEsow, Joi N. Muscovy Court, wine-merchant, April 30, June 1: solicitors, Messrs. Haddon and Getty, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street. TA A MBA V, THoMAs Got:mom:, and LANcAsTER, SAMUEL, Mark Lauer winertuerchants, April 27, June 1: solicitors, Messrs. White and Borrett, Great St. I [elm's. RooKER, FRANCIS, Chorlton Row, Manchester, yarn-dealer, May 4, 5, June 1 : Messrs. Kay and Co. Manchester.

TA Lour, Wir.mAm, Cambridge, watchmaker, Apri130, June 1 : solicitor, Mr. Ayton, Greatdames-Street, Bedford Row.

' VizE, JOHN, Crawford Street, Bryanstone Squaw, stationer, April 26, June 1: soli- &tors, Messrs. SWainS011 and Co. Frederick's Place, Old Jewry. WALKER, Tiros:As, Burs]em, Staffordshire, iroulbunder, May 5, June 1: solicitors, Mr. Harding, Burstein ; and Mr. Smith, Basingliall Street. RowLAND, Tottenham Court Road, chemist, April 26, June 1: solicitor, Mr. Phillips, East Street, Red Lion Square.


May 11, Herds, Northleach, Gloucestershire, linen-draper-May 14, W. and W. S- Plimptou, Lower Thames Street, seedsmen-May 1l, Harris, Ring Street, Cheapside. In-Aid-keeper-May 17, Loud and Burgess, Sittingbourne, hankers-Jame 25, (tenting, Bidborough Street, Judd Street, master-mariner-May 17, Atkinson, Cock Lane, West Smithfield, brass-founder-Mar 10„ Voting, Fencloirch Street, Wapping, sail-maker- May IL Wilson, Ridinghouse lane, Marylebone. timber-merchant-May.11. Old Windsor, carpenter-May 11, Burn, Newport Market, china-dealer-May 15, Lovett, Derby, cabinet-maker-May 15, Watson, Gainshorough, shipwright-May 14, Petrie, Liverpool, wino-merchant-May 12, Harper, Stroud, coal-dealer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or bcfbre Noy 11. -Bindle*/ jun. Ashby-de-la-Zonch. glue-manufiteturer-Simon, Regent Street, hosier- Baylis, Johnson's Court, printer-Warner, Manchester, warelionseman-Wags;a1T. Den- ton, Lancashire, hat-mannfiteturer-Illighes, Lombard Street. merchant-R■..loy, Neuf- Cheshire, mercer-Winter, Bristol. surgeon-Davis, Fitzroy Square, boarding. house-keeper-Girton, Edgeware Road, Paddington, dealer in earthenware.


HARvIE, THOMAS, Glasgow, merchant, April 25, May 10.