21 APRIL 1838, Page 6

Mr. John Duncan Blight, now envoy at the Court of

Stockholm, is te go to Hanover in the same cspacity ; and Sir Thomas Cartwright, nue' at Frankfurt, is promoted to the Swedish Embizisy. [Who is ties puwerfal friend a the Tory Sir Thomas Cartwright :I The Ho- roanaffile henry Edward FI)X succeeds Sir Thomas at Frankfort.

A report is current that Mr. John Marshall of Leeds, is to be created a Peer, by the title of Lord Halsteuds, the name of his seat in Cumberland.—/aects Intelliyeneer.

The Tin:cs say.3 that Mr. Beilby Thompson is to be raised to the Peerage.

It is stated that the lung dormant title of Earl of Derwentwater, so intimately connected with the county of Northumberland, is to be re- vived in the person of the Roman Catholic Peer, Lord Petre.—Sun- &viand Beacon, The Duke of Wellington has appointed Mr. .Alg.nnon Grevillc it be prirate secretary to his Grace as Lord Warden of the Cinque Pui ts.

It is confidently stated that Colonel Campbell has been recalled ft um Egypt ; and an offer of his Consulship elude to Dr. Bowring, who is, or was lately, travelling in that country.—Ministerial Paper.

The Honourable General J. Pinckney Henderson, agent for the republic of Texas to the Courts of Great Britain and Fiance, left London on Friday for Paris, accompanied by J. Macintosh, Esq., Se- cretary to the mission.—Couricr. [ Will these worthies be received either itt London or Paris ?]