21 APRIL 1849, Page 12


Brock Exemswoz, FEIDEK ArrEEKoolf• The English Stock Market has been without material fluctuation or any very large business; the closing prices of this afternoon being within a shade of those of last week. The rate of discount continues the same for first-rate bills, namely, from l to 2 per cent; and the abundance of money is so great that loans for short periods do not in the Stock Exchange command a higher rate. In the Foreign Market, Mexican Stock iis dealt ex-dividend at quotations ran- ging 1 below those previously obtained when the bargains were for Stock with dividend. This is the only real change in the market; for the transactions in it have been so insignificant as not to have caused any material variation in the price. Spanish Stock of both varieties has been rather in demand; but today the Active are rather heavy; the price of the Three per Cents being well sup- ported. Portuguese Bonds continue in fair demand at the advance of last week, without any large transactions. The South American Bonds are generally in de- mand, without much business or fluctuation. In the Share Market, Mr. Hudson and his lines are the principal subject of animadversion: his resignation of the Chairmanship of the Midland Company was known yesterday, without producing any effect upon the price of the Stock. Eastern Counties have been depressed to 7;, but have rallied again, and are to- day about 10s. per share higher. All sorts of rumours are current as to the report of the Committee of investigation. The general belief today appears the Committee will recommend a dividend upon the share for the half-year of from 2s. 6d. to Ss. 6d. There is nothing in the business or fluctuations in the

other English or Foreign Shares to require remark; the prices of the majority of

them being nearly the same as last week. to be, that


There is no change in the prices of the English Funds, and but little disposi- tion for business apparent. Consols are 91i 92 both for Money and Account, the closing prices of yesterday. The quotations here given of Foreign Stocks are for the most part merely nominal, the transactions in this department having as yet been insignificant. There seems to be a disposition to speculate in Spanish Stock, the quotations of which are nominally higher; but we cannot learn that any large transactions have occurred in it. The only feature in the Share Market is an improvement in Eastern Counties, which have been done at Si.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

a; per Cents 911 2 911 2 901 1 911 4

Danish 3 per Cents 668 Dutch 24 per Cents 50 1

Ditto 4 per cents 77 8

Mexican 5 per.Cents 1846 27f 81 ex d.

Long Annuities 8 9-16 4 New Granada 18 19 Bank Stock 193 5 PortugueseN4 perCents 1843 28 29 Exchequer Bills 43 47 pm. Portuguese Old 1824 74 6 India Stock 244 6 Russian 5 per Cents .ex. dlr. 103 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 78 80 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 174 18 Belgian 44 per Cents Buenos Ayres 82 4 38 40

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842


324 26 8

Clam 6 per Cents

90 3

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 14th April exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the Mowing results— BANKING DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest 442,293 — Public Deposita


Other Deposits 2,155,034 — Seven-day and other Bills 28,318 — Government Securities, Including Dead-weight — 20,603 Other Securities

1,062,716 L otes unissued

861,690 Actual Circulation 770,610 —

11817E DEPAarsuarr.

Notes issued — 91,080 Bullion 168,144

This week. Last week.

Total Bullion In both Departments 14,707.336 14,875,480 Actual Circulation 19,052,515 18,281,905

BANE OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 14th day of April 1849. Min DEPARTMENT•

Notes issued

£27,925,446 Government Debt 11 ,013,10)

Other Securities 2.984,901

Gold Coin and Bullion 13,694.831

Silver Bullion 313,569




Proprietors. Capital

£14,523,000 Government Securities, (In-

Rest 3,121.133 eluding Dead WeightAnnuitylf14,352 241 Public Deposits. 3,484.053 Other Securities 10,061)170 Other Depoalts 11,780,136 Notes 8,875.885 Seven Day and other Bills ... . 1,119,461 Gold and Silver Coin 778,936



• Including Exchequer, Sav tags Banks, Commissioners of NationalDebt &Dividend Accts.