Theta have been several concerts this week, At the Philharmonic,
on Monday, the most interesting incident was the admirable performance, by Mr. Lindsay Sloper, of an early concerto of Beethoven, hitherto un- aoconntably overlooked in this country. In-form and style it is modelled upon Mozart, but shows the young composer's bold genius breaking through the conventional trammels of his day. Another piece was a musical curiosity—a bravura-air originally written by Mozart for the Zauberfete, but not used, as being too difficult far the performer who was to have sung it. it was brilliantly—executed by Madame Rudersdorff, and excited a sensation among the dilettanti as a remarkable relic of the composer.
The Musical Union had its first concert of the season. at Willies Rootias on Tuesday, nuclei- the direction Of Mr. Ella. The room was es full, the audience as aristocratic, and the music as excellent, as ever.