21 APRIL 1894, Page 1

On Monday night, Sir William Harcourt introduced the Budget, which

has been the subject of more than the ordinary amount of rumours. As usual, he began by stating what had been paid both into, and out of, the Treasury during the past financial year, and by contrasting these figures with the estimate of last year. The estimated and the actual revenue and expenditure are shown in the fol- lowing tables :— Estimated revenue ... £91,640,000

Estimated expenditure ... 91,464,000

Estimated surplus ... £176,000

Actual revenue • • • •• .291,133,000 Actual expenditure • • • • • • ... 91,303,000

Deficit ..6170,000 In other words, the Government last year received 2507,000 less than they expected ; but also spent £161,000 less than they expected