Riaz Pasha and his Ministry resigned last Saturday, and Nubar
Pasha has accepted the Premiership, with Mastapha Fehmy Pasha as Minister for War. The latter has been -savagely attacked already in a journal supposed to be devoted to the Palace, and though the journal has been warned, there can, we imagine, be little doubt 'that the whole arrangement is rather Lord Cromer's than the Khedive's. That makes an 'unpleasant situation; but what is Lord Cromer to do? He -can hardly do anything as it is, with a hostile Khedive ; and with a hostile Khedive and a hostile Ministry, he would be paralysed altogether. Nubar Pasha, though very old, is adroit, knows Egypt through and through, and though not particularly friendly to England, is quite aware that the recent perverse resistance to her advice can serve no good purpose. Lord Cromer must work on from month to month, and wait, there is nothing else to be done ; but the waiting may be made a little more bearable.