Sir Charles Russell, the Attorney-General; has accepted the -place in
the Court of Appeal vacated by the death of Lord Bowen; and Sir John Rigby, the Solicitor-General, of course succeeds him as Attorney-General.. Mr. Reid, Q.C. (M.P. for the Dumfries district), is talked of as the new Solicitor- General, bat we do not know on what authority. He is cer- tainly one of the most distinguished of the Gladatonian lawyers. We rather wonder that Sir Charles Russell should have given up his vast practice for a position in which he will hardly shine as did his distinguished predecessor, for Sir Charles Russell's legal learning is hardly equal to his great forensic ability. His seat for South Hackney is, we suppose, fairly safe for the Gladstonians ; though in 1836 he only carried his seat by about a hundred votes. In the General Election, however, of 1892 he carried it by more than, a thousand.