The worst enemies of all our lawns anti greens and
pitches are, I suppose, clover, plantains and daisies, all of which can be made to perish by the sprinkling of the dust of sulphate of ammonia, which is at the same time the best of all grass stimulants ; and after them a little grass called poa annna, which leaves brown patches where it withers, and next conic worms and leather-jackets. We now can deal with all these except the little poa anima, and the St. Ives Station at Bingley is hot on its track. Grass is a marvellously interesting plant botanically—ns the museum at Bingley suggests —and the more we know of the species and varieties of fescus or poa that suit our particular soil and climate, the more delightful our lawns will become. Bowlers as well as green- keepers and many private persons are applying in con- tinually greater numbers to this admirable research station. The report for 1982 just published is less interesting scientifi- ally than its predecessors, because it gives less detail on the various experiments ; but it witnesses the wide popularity of the station, even in foreign countries, and the increasing range of the investigations.