SIR,—I am sure Mr. Brand realises that it is not
only the NUT that cannot afford to admit differentials between grammar school teachers and others. What about all the LEAs which have invested in compre- hensive, multilateral, bilateral, high schools, or what- ever other name may he given them?
In the name of parity of esteem, I spend four periods a week in a comprehensive school with three girls alleged to be studying for GCE. The most intelligent plays truant on and off; the other two, who come from a remedial English group, opted to take the course because they 'knew all those nasty noisy girls wouldn't be doing it.' Six periods I spend with small groups of commercial and technical fifth-form girls: one of them charmingly said to me recently, 'Let's face it: frankly we're just not interested.
I assume I am carrying a banner with the strange device: 'A GRAMMAR SCHOOL EDUCATION FOR ALL' and that the LEA in question would never dream of admitting that all animals are not equal.—Yours faithfully,
7! Constance Crescent, Hayes, Bromley. Kent