Local Elections
Sir. The first of the local elections are now over and the Jeremiahs are comPlaining as could have been foretold. If they really believe in democracy they should look to their own inconsistencies. It would suggest that: (I) If Cabinet government is best, With party control and ministerial responsibility, we should re-constitute local government on the same lines and discard the cobwebs which have cluttered local government since the Municipal Reform Act 1835.
(2) If local democracy is best, then do– away with Cabinet government and we shall have a lot more Independents in Parliament — independent of party politics, if you are Prepared to believe them, but would they be independent of, say, an English Mafia? The news in today's papers of a conjunction of English and Italian Secret societies may have some other implications. Local democracy in Whitehall would, I suppose, mean Management Boards a la RedclirfeMaud of mixed party membership. (3) If the Jeremiahs cannot decide between (1) and (2), then I suggest that all local elections be held on the same day as Parliamentary elections and this should bring over 70 per cent to the poll and no one need wonder about the large number of non-voters While the betting on the politcal gamble might have a great degree of certainty. We have too many elections as it is and the new local government Plan makes things no better in this resPect.
E. E. Rich
93 Hazon Way, Epsom