21 APRIL 1973, Page 27

Tango malady .

Sir, I do not support all the contentions made by David Holbrook (April 7). Nevertheless I consider it deplorable that your journal should allow him to be insulted by publishing the foolish, and revealingly adolescent, letter from your correspondent. A. Surridge. If your readers can only convey their disagreements and criticisms in this fashion, let them do so in private.

I have practised medicine for almost 40 years, often in mentally, as well as physically, unsolubrious parts, so I think that I have a fair insight into human nature and its foibles. Selfrevelation has its psycho-therapeutic advantages, but it seems to me a pity that The Spectator should afford a public medium for so doing. D. Thomson Langhursi, Prey Heath, Worplesdon, Surrey