21 AUGUST 1847, Page 2



NORFOLK, Wasx.—The poll closed on Saturday. At the official decla- ration, on Monday, the numbers were-

Mr.Bagge 3,113 I Mr. Hamond 2,935 Honourable E. K. Coke 3,052 I Mr. L'Estrange 2,676

NORTHUMBERLAND, NORTH.—The declaration was made On Friday sennight- sir George Grey 1,366

Lord Ossulston 1,247 Lord Lovable 1,237

SOMERSETSMEE, WEST.—The polling finished on Tuesday; and on Thursday the numbers were officially declared—

Mr. C. A. Moody 3,603 I Hon. E. P. Bouverie 2,783 Sir A. Hood 3,311 I Mr. Biekbam Eseott 2,624

WAuvricimente, Noarn.—On Monday the numbers were officially de- clared—

Mr. C.N. Newdegate 2.915 Mr. Spooner 2,451 Mr. .Leigh 2,272 IRELAND. MEMBERS ELECTED. (Continued from page 770)

Cardigan County .Colonel Powell. Longford County—R. H. Fox.

Clare County Sir L. O'Brien. S Blacken Major Macnamara.

Cork County E B. Roche.

Dr. Power, Kildare County Marquis of Kildare.

R. S. Bourke.

Kilkenny County ...T. Greene.

P. S. Butler.

Limerick County. •W. Monsell.

W. S. O'Brien. Mayo County George H. Moore.

Robert Dillon Browne.

Montgomeryshire .C. W. IV. Wynne. Norfolk (West) • . .W W. Bagge.

Hon. E. Coke.

Somerset (West) • • Sir A. Hood.

C. A. Moody.

Sutherland County Sir D. Dundas. War:eras-hire (N.) C. N. Newdegate.

R. Spooner.

DUBLIN CITY.—"W." writes to the Times for the purpose of correcting a misstatement, that at the late Dublin election "the Protestants plumped for Reynolds the Repealer." The fact was the very reverse; the Pro- testants, under the leadership of the Reverend Tresham Gregg, all plumped for Mr. Grogan.

CLARE COUNTY.—The contest for this county commenced last week. The candidates were, Sir Lucius O'Brien, a Liberal Conservative, and bro- ther to the chief of the Young Irelanders; Major Maonamara, a well-known Whig; Mr. Cornelius O'Brien, and Mr. William Fitzgerald, Repealers. The polling closed on Friday; and on Saturday, Sir Lucius O'Brien and Major Macnamara were declared to be duly elected. The numbers were—

Sir L. O'Brien 774 I Mr. C. O'Brien 578 Major Maenamara 712 I Mr. W. Fitzgerald 395

CORK COUNTY.—Mr. Edward Burke Roche and Dr. Power were re- turned on Saturday, without opposition; the Coneervative candidates having withdrawn at the last moment.

KILDARE COUNTY.—The candidates, nominated on Saturday, were the Marquis of Kildare, Mr. R. S. Bourke, Mr. John Augustus O'Neill, and Mr. John O'Connell. Mr. O'Connell, however, did not go to the poll; though for what reason is not explained. At four o'clock on Tuesday, Mr. O'Neill also resigned; when the numbers were—

Marquis of Kildare 539 Mr. Bourke 410 Mr. O'Neill 301

LIMERICK COUNTY.—The election terminated on Saturday, in the re- turn of Mr. Monsen at the head of the poll; Mr. Smith O'Brien holding the second place. The numbers were declared to be—

Mr. Monsell 588 I Mr. C. Powell 458

Mr. 1!■• 03Sries 482 Mr. 0.8. O'Connell 409 LONGFORD C017NTY.—Mr. Anthony Lefroy and Mr. King Hannan baying retired on finding the amount of the majority against them, the two Repealers, Mr. Fox and Mr. Blackall, were returned.

MitaiseCountr.—The contest here has terminated in the retirement of Mr. Singleton, the Conservative, and the consequent return of Mr. and Mr. Henry' Grattan.


KERRY AND SHETLAND.—The nomination took place at Kirk wall, on Thursday sennight. The candidates were Mr. Anderson and Mr. Dtmdas: the show of bands was considerably in favour of the former. The polling is not to be till the 26th instant.