Tuesday, Aug. 17.
Norris and Co. Rochdale, printers-W. and J. Holiday, Kendal, Westmoreland, bouts- carpenters-Barber and Co. St. Paul's Churchyard, woollen-warehousemen; as far as regards W. H. Davis-J. It. and C. Ray, Clare, Suffolk, millers-Williamson and Co. Manchester, muslln-mannfacturers-Furnevall and Co. Haslingden, Lancashire, iron- founders ; as far as regards A. Ashworth-Stevenson and Co. Nottingham, engravers ; as far as regards D. Stafford-E. and B. Brayshaw, York, grocers-Rosenborg and Malam, Kingston-upon-Hull, civil-engineers-Haworth and Barnes, Church, Lancashire, ohemists-Jackson and Johnson, Todd's Nook, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, flint glass-manu- facturers-Bray and Pool, Preston, provision-dealers-Wilkinson and Lister, Hudders- field, manufacturers-3. and J. Palmer, Mark Lane, flour-factors-Pinkess and Eden, Liverpool, painters-Ratcllffe and Clough, Huddersfield, chicory-roasters-Grimshaw and Co. Bishopwearmouth, Durham, rope-manufacturers--Thomas and Sons, Bradford, Yorkshire. wine merchants; as far as regards W. Thomas-Trower and Brigden, Southwark, hop-merchants. BANKRErril. GALE, GEORGE, Winchester, corn-chandler, to surrender Aug. 24, Oct. 4: solicitor, Mr. Guillaume, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. GmBoame, Roemer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, bookseller, Aug. 31, Sept. 30: solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and 11111, Great St. James Street, Bedford Row • Mr. Ingledew, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee. Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Hermits, Wm. EAST, and Brerearm, WILLIAM, Lichfield, coach-builders, Aug. 31, Sept. 18: solicitors, Gem and Docker, Birmingham; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham. Lewis, Casates, Standgate Street, Lambeth, tin-plate-manufacturer, Aug. 27, Oct. 4: solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Milk Street ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, urchin Lane. PALMS, RICHARD, Edgbaston, wine-merchant, Aug. 28, Sept. 23: solicitors, Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. PITCHES, W. HENRY, Guilford St., Russell Square, Aug. 24, Sept. 28: solicitors, Walker and Gridley, Southampton St., Bloomsbury; official assignee, Belcher, King's Arms Yard. SMITH, TuomAs, Bristol, timber-dealer, Aug. 31, Sept. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Maples
and Co. Old Jewry ; . Salmon, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.
TKEWICK Junior, JOsEPH, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper, Aug. 25, Sept. 28 solicitors, Mean. Chisholm and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Marie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Watley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Wens, WILLIAM, Manchester, pocket-book-maker, Aug. 27, Sept. 17: solicitors, Mr. Abbott, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square ; Mr. Goolden, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester. YATes. JOHN, Redffitch, Worcestershire, victualler, Aug. 31, Sept. 18 : solicitor, Mr. Powell, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. DiviDENDS-Sept. 7, G. and S. Sharp, Commercial Road, Lambeth, stone-masons- Sept. 7, Howard, Hingham, Norfolk, wine-merchant-Sept. 7. Baum, Strand, victualler —Sept. 7, Swaiwell, Kensington, schoolmIstress-Sept. 8, Keeler, Canterbury, glees- dealer-Sept. 16, Furby and Stockton, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, tallors-Sept. 18, J. Mefferd junior, Southampton. ironmonger-Sept. 16. A. and C. Duncan, Tokenhouse Yard, merchants-Sept. 22, Hayward, Ashford, Kent, butcher-Sept. 22, Jones. Basing- stoke, taUor-Sept. 23, Marshall, High Holborn, tallow-meiter-Sept. 30, Heard senior, Barking, Essex, smack-owner-Sept. 24, Wright, Derby, cheese-factor-Sept. 10, Cor- tese, Wigan, tea-dealer-Sept. 10, Pierce and Homan, Manchester, merchants-Sept. 7, Currie and Seignette, Mincing Lane, merchants.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Sept. 8, Palfrey senior, Tysson Place, Kingsland Road, builder-Sept. 9, Hills, St. Mary's Road, Peckham, charcoal- bumer-Sept. 10, Leather, London Wall, warehouse- man-Sept. 9, Bonney, William Street, Knightsbridge, wine-merchant-Sept. 8, Keeler, Canterbury, glass-dealer---Sept. II, Sugden, Bradford, Yorkshire, butcher-Sept. 13, England, Bath, grocer-Sept. 8, Stamp, Kingston-upon-Hull, stock-broker-Sept. 7, Hughes, Liverpool, joiner-Sept. 13, Andrew, Manchester, fustian-manufacturer- Sept. 9, Machin, Manchester, grocer-Sept. 8, Berry, Manchester, agent-Sept. 8, Hutchins, Manchester' coach-proprietor. To be granted unless' cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. 7.
Shea, Aldermanbury, woollen-warehouseman-Noyes, Longparish, Hampshire, re- lieving-officer-Chappel, Leeds, earthenware-manufacturer-Geach, St. Columb Major, -Cornwall, auctioneer--Jones junior, Watling Street, paper-manufacturer-Howe, Ches- ter Place, Kennington, merchant-Walker, Beddgelert, Merionethshire, quarryman- Bourdon and Menzens, Whitechapel, sugar-refiners-Tranter junior, Uttaxeter, Staf- fordshire, timber-merchant-Parker, Clapham, corn-dealer-Perry, Liverpool, baker- Herbert, Llanelly, Breconshirc, grocer.
ALEXANDER, J., Kelso, draper, Aug. 21, Sept. 14-ANDIMSON, J., Glasgow, clothier, Aug. 25, Sept. 15-FAme., J., Glasgow, bookbinder, Aug. 23, Sept. 13-H eNeeltsee, G. and M., Edinburgh, toy-merchants, Aug. 19, Sept. 9 -liteemaia, A., Glasgow, com- mission-agent, Aug. 23, Sept. 16 -MILLE-a, G., Glasgow, muslin-manufacturer, Aug. 23, Sept. 14.
Friday, Aug. 20.
Si. and E. Levin, Great Alle Street-Morey and Square, Doncaster, surgeons-Bax- ter and Co. Carlisle Lane, Lambeth, soap-manufacturers-10(d and Manson, Kingswin- fford,butty-mlners-Collin and ErrIngton, Kennington Road, furriers-S. and T Fisher, agewark-upon-Trent, stonemasons -01claker and Co. Worcester, bop-merchants-J. and 13.1•Peirsbn, Sun Street, ironmongers- Saunders and Brunton, Sunderland, merchants- Patin and Wenden, Barnes, schoohnasters-Driscoll and Pearson, Kettering, coach- makers-Cowell and Son, Sherborne, dyers-Chadwick and Co. Manchester,warehouse men; as far as regards J. Chadwick-Hunt and Walley, Edgeware Road, drapers- Tarsus and Wilcox, Bristol, stock-brokers-King and Son, College Hill, printers- Clossman and Co. Mincing Lane, wine-merchants-Pullen and Co. St. Paul's Church- yard, stuff-merchants--Story and Co. Manchester, manufacturers ; as far as regards T. -Carruthers-Pollard and Co. Leeds, whitesmitlis ; as far as regards F. Pollard-J. and H. Martin, Sloane Street, tailors-Davis and Brown, Mulberry Place, Clerkenwell, rag-merchants-Milligan and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-mtumfacturers--Ogden and Sons, Oldham, cotton-spinners; as far as regards J. Ogden-Maclean and Co. .Glasgow, merchants ; as far as regards W. Maclean jun.
ARMsTRolio, Wn-Lum, Norwich, draper, to surrender Aug. 31, Sept. 25: solicitors, Wood and Fraser, Dean Street, Soho; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. BUNDEy, James, Lower Exhury, Hampshire, brickmaker, Aug. 30, Oct. 4: solicitor, Mr. Fitch, Southampton St., Bloomsbury; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchin Lane. NiArz, ca.seuts EDWARD, Creek Wharf, Hammersmith, coal-merchant, Aug. 30, -Oct. 4: solicitors, Meredith and Co. Lincoln's Inn; official assignee, Cannan, Birchin Ln. TOTTEIDELL, EDWARD Si., and GRUCHT, JOHN, Portse,a, woollendrapers, Aug.30, Oct. 4: solicitors, Sole & Turner, Aldennanbury; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall St.
POPS, Tansies, Kidbrooke, Kent, cowkeeper, Aug.30, Oct. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Wil- liamson and Co. Great James Street ; Messrs. Richardson and Co. York ; official as- signee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Hums, Joust, Billericay, Essex, auctioneer, Aug, 27, Oct. 4: solicitor, Mr. Skinner, Bernard's Inn; Official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchln Lane.
BrusTow, WILLIAM, Marchmont Street, Brunswick Square, grocer, Aug. 28, Oct. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Weir and Smith, Coopers' Hall, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall S rent.
PEcK, ROBERT, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer, Sept. 13, Oct. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Sudlow and Co. Chancery Lane ; Mr. Wailes, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Sir. Wakley. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SToREy, Jowl, Monk Wearmouth, Durham, rope-manufacturer, Sept. 13, Oct. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Staples and Co. Frederick's Place ; Messrs. J. J. and G. W. Wright, Sunderland ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SAMPeoN, WiLx.lAm, Sheffield, spirit-merchant, Sept. 3, Oct. I: solicitors, Mr. Tat- tersall, Great James Street ; Mr. Broadbent, Sheffield ; Mr. Blackburn, Leeds ; official _assignee, Mr. Freeman, Sheffield. GoODALL, WILLIAm, and BATEA, BENJAMIN HOPKINSON, Halifax, cloth-merchants. Sept. 2, 23: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Son, Clement's inn; Mr. Pickup, Bradford ; Messrs. Bond and BarwIck,Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. REILLY, JOHN, Wolverhampton, grocer, Sept. 2, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Foster and -Gough, Wolverhampton; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. HILLMAN, deux, Worcester, grocer, Aug. 31, Sept. 28: solicitors, Mr. Finch, Wor- cester ; Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore. Birmingham. ROBERTS, ROBERT WitionT, Liverpool. builder, Sept. 10, Oct. I: solicitors, Messrs. -Johnson and Co. Temple ; Mr. Orwell, Liverpool ; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. Werrom, ROBERT, Marchester, muSical-instrament-seller, Aug. 30, Sept. 21: solici- tors, Mr. Vincent, King's Bench Walk ; Mr. Simpson, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. DiviDENDs. Sept. 10, Logsdon, Barnett, Hertfordshire, coach-builder-Sept 10, Hlichins, Chi- chester Place, Gray's Inn Road, leather seller-Sept. 16, Cooper and Co. Darlington, Durham, linendrapers-Sept. 10, Ogilvie and M`Neirle, Liverpool, soap-ManufacturerS -Sept. 10, Webster and Harrison, Liverpool, merchants- Sept. 14, Gray, Liverpool, merchant-Sep. 13, Judd, Brynmawr, Breconshire, shop-keeper-Sept. 12, 3tilner and Bedford, Hull, confectioners. CERTIFICATEs, to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Sept. 10, °app. Duke Street, Manchester Square, livery-stable-keeper-SepL 10, and H. T. T. Woodhouse, Aldermanbary, warehousemen-Sept. 10, Healey, Milk
Street, Cheapside, silk-warehouseman-Sept. 10, Hitchin, Oxfbrd Street, draper-Sept. 10, Taylor, Whitstable, Kent, saddler- Sept. 10, Wallis, Oxford Street, woollendraper -Sept. 16, Wood, New Compton Street, Soho, musical instrument-maker-Sept. 25, Sergeant, Maidstone, ollman-Sept. 17, Hall, Bristol, mason-Sept. 10, Slate, Liverpool. block-maker -Sept. 10, Guyton junior, Liverpool, merchant-Sept. 10, Deakin, Liver- pool, wine-merchant-Sept. 18, Ashmore, Birmingham. carrier-Sept. 13, Orrell, Man- chester, gun-manufacturer-Sept. 13, Cox, Selford, Lancashire, wine-dealer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. 10. Buchanau and Ede, Calcutta, merchants-Harvey, Liskeard, assayer-S. and J. ChaPPol. Leeds, earthenware-manufacturers-Blackmore, Little James Street, Bed- ford Row, saddler-Palmer, Great Surrey Street, Blackftiars Road, agricultural agent- Prosser, Piccadilly, goldsmIth-Bosustow, Redruth, grocer-Harland, Merrick, York- shire, banker- Satfran, Huddersfield, merchant.
Bourne, Liverpool, corn-factor; final div. of aid. Oct. 7, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.
ROBERT5ON, G.. Glasgow, printer, Aug. 24, Sept. 14. WALKINSHAW, J Glasgow, merchant, Aug. 24, Sept. 14. MURRAY, J, Abernethy, Pertshire, miller, Aug. 27, Sept. 17. Mumma and Co., Glasgow, f alcy silk-manufacturers, Aug. 27, Sept. 21. PATElisoN, J., Altos, merchant, Aug. 30, Sept. 20.
Dom, K, Greenock, perfumer, Aug. 26, Sept. 17.