BRITISH FUNDS. (CloelagPrIees)
&Mad. Monday. Modal, Wed■tes nun.
3 per Cent Consols 87 -- 87 -- 861 -- -- 1371 87 aff Ditto for Account . 878 878 87 87 s 671 87 9 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities 871 89 91 871 891 9 671 851
87/ 1171 89 891 9 9
57 ee 9
Bank Stock, 7 per Cent 1951 193 — ---- —
India Stock, 101
Exchequer Bills, 3d. per diem 2 pm. 2 2 1
India Bonds, 41 per Cent
(Las. Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Alabama (Sterling) 6 p. Ct. — Massachusetts (Sterling) ..5 p.Ct.
Austrian 5 —
Mexican ..............S --
Belgian 41 Ditto 2 — — —
Michigan a Mississippi (Sterling) a Brazilian a -- Buenos Ayres a —
lid 37 Neapolitan 5
New York (1858) .... 6
Chilian 6 -- 90 Ohio 6
Danish 3 — 86 Pennsylvania II
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ...21 — 66 Peruvian ... ....... 6
Ditto 4 --
898 Portuguese 6
French 3 — — Ditto 3
Ditto 6 --
Russian . 8
Indiana (Sterling) 6 — — Spanish .... .... ....... 6
Illinois 6 -- — Ditto .... .. ... .. ...... 3
Kentucky — — Ditto (Passive)
Louisiana (Sterling) 5 --
Maryland (Sterling) 6 --
Ditto (Deferred)
Venezuela Active
(Last Official Quotation during Use Week ending Friday Evening.) ELILW•211— Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of Praglaod 181 ex.d 38
atao; ex.d Bag.,—
Australasian British North American Colonial Commercial of London
Great Western... ... . ...... 109 London and Westminster
Hull and Selby
102 cad
London Joint Stock
Lancaster and Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast
60 cad, 488 ex.d
National of Ireland .....
National Provincial 361 London and Blackwall
London and North-western
51 ex.d 163 ez.d Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia
Manchester and Leeds ..... Si Union of London
Midland . 115 ex.d
Newcastle and Berwick 26 Bolanos
North British 301 Brazilian Imperial
Northern and ElISFEM .....
Ditto (St. John Del Rey)
South-eastens and Dover 341 I Cobre Copper
659 ex.d EISCIILLANEunn-
York and Newcastle 321 05.4 j Australian Agricultural .....
York and North Midland 771 ex.d Canada
East and West India.
London St. Katherine 126 103 es General Steam Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mull Steam South Australian
as as
BULLION. Per on. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold In Bars, Standard .. £3 17 9 Copper, British Oakes .f913 0 0 .. 0
Foreign Gold inCoin,PortugalPieces 0 0 0 Iron, British liars.... 9 10 C .. 0
New Dollars 0 4 101 Lead, British Pig .... 18 10 0 .. 0
Bars,Standard . 0 4 111 Steel,English 0 0 0 .. 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, August 20.
. e.
Wheat,RNew 68 to 60 Rye 45-50 Maple 404.42 Oats, Feed. 24 ton Pine 60 —62 Barley 26-30 White 42-44 Fine. 56-17 Old 53-58 Malting... 38 —40 Boilers ... 44-46 Poland. 25—SO White... 64-60 Malt, Ord... 65-65 Beans, Ticks. 46—Is Pine, 30-31 Pine 60-51 Line 66-70 Old. 10— 52
Potato .. 35 -36
Super. New.. 52-68 Peas, Hog 38-40 Harrow ... 52-14 Line. 80-37 PROVISIONS.
Butter—Best Fresh, 13,04. per doz. Carlow, 41. 10s. to 41. 12. per cwt.
Bacon. Irish per cwt. Sof.- 885.
Cheese, Cheshire 64 76 Derby Plain .64 —70 Hama, York. 60 —80
Eggs, French, per 120, 5s. 64. to 6 64.
EINVOATII app 1.110111FILLL.• SMITIIVIELD.• Elan or Csv-rzu AT
s. d. s. d. a. d.
s. 4, s. d. s. d.
Beef... 3 4 to 4 0 to 4 4 9610401044
Friday. Monday.
Mutton 4 0 — 4 8-9 0
4 3 - 4 8-a 4
Beasts. 901 4,077 Veal... 3 8 — 4 — 4 10
4 0-4 4 5 0
Sheep. 12,110 31,090 Perk.. 4 0 — 5 0-8
4 4 - 4 6-5 4
Calves. 697 342 Lamb.. 8 0 - 6 5-4 0
4 10 - 4 - o 0
Pigs. . 280 220
• To sink the offal, per Sib
Tea. Bohea, fine pe_r lb. Oa. td. to 5.4 4.
Congoa, fine 1 6 -3 o
Sonchong, line 1 - 1 4
• In Bond-Doty 2s Id. per lb.
Coffee, fine (lin bond) per cwt 90t. to I20s. 6d.
Good Ordinary to 48s. Sugar, Muscovado, per Cwt.— 20.984.
West India Molasses 14a. 64. to las. 4d.
AVERAGE Per Qr. (Imperial) Wheat ....75. dd.
Barley 45 2 Oata .. .. - 30 6
Wheat, 88s. 10d.—Barley,40. PRICES OF CORN.
of England and Wales.
Rye ... .. 56.. 44.
Beans ... .. 53 6
i Peas 49 11 Weekly Averages for the 74—Oats, 29.. ld.—Rye,40.2d.—Ileans„54..54.—Peas,42.
- HUTS'. ON FOREIGN k or the present Week.
Wheat O. ed. i Rye Barley 0 0 i Leans Oats 0 0 i Peas Week ending August 14. CORN. 0..04 0 0
0 0 •
101. .
Kent Pockets 90s. to 100.. York Reds per ton. Os. to 0a, Choice ditto
10. —110 Scotch Reds 0— 0
Sussex Pockets 81 — 90 Devons 0 — 0 Pineal= 0 — 0 Kent and Essex Whites.
0 0 MAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good
70. to,75. 63. to 85. Os. to Os.
Inferior 60-63 0 — 0 0 — 0
New ......
60 — t 5 40 — 65 40 — 76 Clover
92 — 98 ao 96
0 - 0
Wheat Straw
30 — ilt . 23 33 .. ...... 24 — 32
Town-made per sack bls. to Ste.
Seconds 46 — 48 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 40 — 45 Norfolk and Stockton 37 — 40 Bran per quarter 0 — 0 Pollard,fine. . 0 — 0 Bread, ad. to 94. the 41b. loaf.
Rape 011 per cwt. El las. Od.
Refined 1 16 0 Linseed 011 1 7 6 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 0 0 0
Candles, per dozen, ta Od. to 64. 04. Moulds (11d. per dos. discount) Ts. Od. Cosi., Heti= Its. 31. Tees Ms. id.