inrrigu n10 Zama'.
a55i11.—Queen Victoria is still at Potsdam. On her route thither she was received at Burg, near Herrenhausen, where the Queen was re- ceived by the King and Queen of Hanover, the Duke of Brunswick, the Princess Frederick Charles of Prussia, the Hereditary Prince of Saxe Meiningen, the Princess Feodore of Ilohenlohe-Langenbourg, Princess Louise of Hesse (Countess Decker,) Prince Bentheim, and the Prince of Solms. Afterwards the King and Queen of Hanover accompanied her Majesty through Hanover, whence she proceeded by Magdeburg to Pots- dam. It was in a small station-at the Wildpark, that the Princess Fre- derick William saw her mother. The Prince and Princess of Prussia, and a host of Prussian princes were in waiting at Potsdam. Finally, the Queen arid the Prince Consort, the Prince and Princess of Prussia, and Prince and Princess Frederick William went to Babelsberg. They have subsequently driven out, visiting Potsdam, Gleniche, the seat of Prince Charles of Prussia, and Berlin. The Princess Frederick William is in the enjoyment of excellent health, and accompanies her royal parents in all their walks and drives.
In her progress through Germany, although she did not travel in state,- her Majesty has been received with enthusiastic greetings by the people, and courteous welcome by the princes and nobles.
Iraurr.—The Emperor's tour in Brittany was to come to an end with the festivities of yesterday at Rennes, and he was to be back to Paris this evening.
The Emperor and Empress quitted Brest on the 12th August. The sheets were of course crowded. On their road to Quimper they were met by priests at the head of their village flocks, peasants on horseback,- old soldiers wearing the St. Helena medal, and a great display of tri- color. We are told that the Emperor was "deeply affected" by the welcome he received at Quimper. The Bishop was there to make a speech, in which he reminded the Emperor that he had subscribed to build the granite steeples of the cathedral. In the evening there was a bal champitre, "at which all the national costumes of old Armories were exhibited." During his stay, the Emperor flattered his Breton subjects by examining "with great interest" their breeds of horses, and "pur- chasing several for his farms." On the 14th he set out afresh, the Bishop accompanying him to the limit of his diocese, where it is duly recorded that "the Emperor alighted from his carriage to take leave of the Bishop." The next resting place was L'Orient, where, we are care- fully informed, the Emperor and Empress at once proceeded to the parish church. In the evening, there were official receptions. Among the mayors of the rural communes was one who had served in the army of Egypt, "with whom his Majesty conversed with particular inter- est." The Emperor stayed a day at L'Orient. It was the 14th, and his next halt was at a shrine of great sanctity. Malicious people would say he rested at L'Orient that he might arrive on his fete day at the altar of St. Anne d'Auray. It is famous as the resort of many royal pilgrims. The Emperor and Empress arrived there on the 15th. On his way the Emperor promised to restore the churches of Hennebon and Nati& Dame des %roma. At the entrance to St. Anne, the children sang " Dentine, salvum fac," and the Bishop and clergy were in the front rank of the crowd and called down blessings on their Sovereigns. The Emperor said-
" Monsigneur, I am deeply affected by the words you have addressed to" me. There are days on which Sovereigns should give the example ; there are also days on which they should follow the example of others. It is for this purpose that, following the ancient custom of the country, I have come- here on my fete day to pray God to grant the object of all my efforts, of all my hopes namely, the happiness of the nation He has appointed ice to I govern. am happy to be received by so revered a prelate, and I trust your prayers will draw the Divine blessing upon me."
In the church the Imperial pair knelt before the altar on which the relics of St. Anne are carefully preserved, and the clergy chanted the " Domine oakum foe." At the conclusion of Divine service the Bishop blessed the medals which the Emperor had caused to be struck in com- memoration of their Majesties' visit, and which were afterwards distri- buted to all present. The Empress presented the Bishoi, with a rich banner for the chapel, and "at the same time delivered to him a valuable relic which the Pope had sent to her for that purpose." On the same day they went on to Vannes. Here the Bishop was profuse in his compli- ments. He spoke of the Empress as "a new and pious Esther," and added that, like her, "her Majesty was seated on the moat splendid throne of the universe, took pleasure in spreading her benefits amongst the people, and by her august example encouraged the practice of virtue." The Emperor answered in the following terms. "I thank you for the wishes you express for our happiness and for that of our son. I could not doubt the sentiments of the clergy of Vannes, for I
am still under the influence of the words, full of devotedness and affection, which the worthy Bishop who is at your head has addressed to me." When the Emperor received the Council-General, its president hoped that this visit would put an end to the neglect the province has suffered. "I should indeed be happy were an era of greater prosperity for Brittany to date from the day of my passage through the country. It is with a view to study more closely and on the spot the wants of this part of France that I have undertaken my journey. I sincerely rely on the Councils-General and on their unceasing zeal to second me in the realisation of the projects I shall cause to be prepared for so desirable an end."
Quitting the coast of the Atlantic the Emperor departed from Vannes on the 16th, and struck through the heart of the country to St. Bricux on the British Channel, where he arrived on the 17th. The following tele- graphic despatches from that place give the official view of the whole affair.
"Saint Brieui, Aug. 17, 7h. 20m. Napo16onville, Aug. 16.
"From this v dates the real conquest of Brittany by the Napoleon dy- nasty. Between Vannesand Napoleonville we met ten thousand Bretons wearing the tri-coloured cockade—upwards of eight hundred of them were on horseback. The Emperor is passing them in review. Magnificent type of the whole touP!"
"Half-past 7 p.m.
"An extraordinary scene is just taking place. The Emperor having been visible for a moment at the door, the crowd has broken through all opposi- tion, and the court-yard is full of men, women, and children, who are press- ing close to his Majesty. The military are trying in vain to make them re- tire : their enthusiasm knows no bounds."
It is ostentatiously recorded that the Emperor, on the occasion of his fete, magnanimously granted 1241 pardons or commutations of punish- ment, to 1020 persons condemned for crimes and 221 condemned for offences ; and that at Brest, the Emperor, on the prayer of the Empress, granted a complete pardon to five prisoners, one of them the mother of five children !
The fete Napoleon was kept on the 15th, at all the principal towns of *France, the purveyors of this official display in Paris doing their best to please the mob in the absence of the Emperor.
The famous festivities in Cherbourg harbour, and especially the din- ner on board the Bretagne, are still matter for speculative gossip. One of the most striking contributions of this order is supplied by the Paris correspondent of the Continental -Review.
"The journals and the public have been informed of all the external details of the Imperial and Royal interview at Cherbourg ; but only a very small number of the guests, even among the diplomatists, were able to learn some particular and significant details which characterize the ability which the Emperor has displayed in the circumstances. It is certain that Queen Victoria, in leaving England, never imagined that a political character would be attributed to her visit. Nothing in the invitations which the Emperor sent to her allowed the object which the Emperor had in view to transpire, and the Queen arrived at Cherbourg with the intention of paying Louis Napoleon a friendly visit, and with the idea that the visit would have no other character. We will now show how the Emperor successively transformed the affair, and what able means he employed to attain his ends. On the morning of the 5th, when the Emperor and Empress went to pay a visit to the Queen on board of her yacht, the Emperor walked about for a quarter of an hour with the Queen, to whom he had offered his arm. After talking a long time with her, he went up to the Empress, and said, 'Eugenie, I have a good piece of news to announce to you. The Queen has been good enough to accept of a diYetiner at the Maritime Prefecture.' The Empress bowed, and thanked the Queen for being so obliging. That the dejekner, which was the cause of the Queen going ashore, had not been arranged beforehand appears from the fact that a table had been laid out for fifty or sixty guests for the Imperial de:jet/tier, and that after the acceptance of the invitation by her Majesty a table was laid out for seven guests for their Majesties. This &Yen' ner was very gay. The Queen was particularly affable and joyous. When it was over, the Queen and the Empress went to the garden of the Prefecture, where they walked about in a familiar manner, but the Em- peror, who never lost of his project, took the arm of the Queen, and con- versed with her for some time. After this private conversation, the Empe- ror approached the Empress, and repeated to her as before. 'Eugenie, I have another piece of good news to announce to you. The Queen consents that at the dinner on Board the Bretagne there shall be only one table.' To explain these words, it is necessary to state that on board the Bretagne a bulkhead separated the table laid for twelve, where the Emperor, Em- press, and their royal guests were to dine, from the main cabin, where a table was laid out for fifty-nine guests. All these arrangements show very clearly that the dinner, like the d6einter, was to have been a private one. But as soon as the consent of the Queen was obtained, the Emperor gave his orders; the bulkhead disappeared, and the two tables were consequently in the same room, that is to say, on the main deck of the ship. After din- ner, at the dessert, when the Emperor drew from his pocket a paper, and proceeded to read the speech which was to accompany the toast which he was about to give, the Queen and Prince were greatly surprised. But it was too late. The Emperor had attained his ends by force of flattery and of adroit caresses; hat is to say, he had succeeded in giving the in- terview a political character. That the speech was unexpected appears from the fact that Prince Albert, suprised by the toast, and obliged to answer el l'improviste, was so much embarrassed., that the meaning of what he said -was a little confused to those who heard him, and that many could not make out whether the Prince spoke in French, in English, or in German. Never- theless, as the Emperor was most anxious that the thing should be done completely, that is to say, that the speech of the Prince should appear in the Maniteur, Colonel de Beville, one of the Emperor's orderly officers, was sent on board the royal yacht to ask Prince Albert for a copy of 'the speech which he had pronounced. There was a moment of hesitation, there was even a consultation with Lord alalluesbury, and it was only after due con- sultation that Colonel Be Beville was furnished with the text of the speech as it appeared in the Ileniteur. It is this confusion that explains how, in answer to the Emperor, who had spoken of the whole of the royal family of England, the Prince forgot to speak of the Empress and the Imperial Prince:' . Two curious pamphlets have appeared in France, under, be it re- marked, the regime of a strict censorship. This fact alone causes them to be noticed. One is called, "Annals nous la Guerre avec l'Angleterre ?" It is not, like other incendiary pamphlets of a similar kind, anonymous. The individual who stands forth as the author prints his name thus— S. Medoros. According to the statements in the journals, this pamphlet opens by saying, that while diplomacy imagines the attention of Europe concentrated upon the Paris conferences and the question of the Prin- cipalities, "it would appear that grave events, of a nature to remodel the map of Europe, are ripening under a mysterious veil." In the next sen- tence it is stated, in more absolute terms, that" a grand historical event is in preparation." Further on we are informed that, " Are we to go to- wer with England ?" is the " simple question " which everybody is ing in France, and that the idea of such a war is so deeply rooted in the minds of all purveyors of news, that the splendid fetes of Cherbourg
to them rather a parade of force than a friendly demonstration. A little lower down our author says that all the peoples of Europe firmly believe
that " Napoleon III. is meditating one of those great deeds With which he has before this astonished the world; " and that " this belief of the
people is encouraged by the Imperial silence." -
The writer discusses the chances of landing men on our coasts, admits the difficulty of the enterprise, but regards it as feasible to land 300,000 men.
But then he says, the question arises, could they, although they might be the best troops . in the world, subjugate 21,000,000 of people who glory above all things, in their independence? He gets over this difficulty supposing that Napoleon ILL could persuade the masses in England that he came not as a conqueror but as a deliverer. "Bread and Liberty" would be his rallying cry ; and the writer is of opinion that the people would not be ashamed to accept benefits at his hands. With all Jack Cade's mottoes on his standard, he would make war in the name of the English people UM the English aristocracy. A war with England conducted on such puled*, would command the enthusiastic support of the pamphleteer, who exclaims, "When we should see our ships in line and our regiments proudly defiling before Napoleon III. we would say to the Emperor, Sire, the Englik people is not against you ; you have only to face all those Sardanamioses of the Thames who drink in golden cups the sweat of a hundred milfions of helots and set up to be the Pachas of civilization. Sire, your glory will not be that of conqueror, but your ashes will be deposiW in the temple of humanity: "
The second pamphlet is called Cherbourg et l'Angleterre. A few pass- ages will give an idea of the work.
"'The inauguration of Cherbourg,' says its author' 'is, for France, a festival of glorification for her navy, for the nations afestival of hope, and for England a festival of expiation.' 'Long enough,' he elsewhere declares, 'has England paraded her maritime brigandage and prided herself on it. The history of England is a permanent scandal.; the success of England disturbs the conscience' like the sight of a fortunate bandit. But if the bandit lives too short a time always to meet his punishment here below it is not the same with a city or a nation. Where now is Carthage ? Wliere will superb England be tomorrow ? ' Again, 'In her heart, England is afraid ; and what excites to so high a degree her ill-concealed terror is her evil conscience.' 'Steam has continentalized England ; she is no longer an island, as formerly. We can land on her shores when we please, and where has she soldiers to combat us ? ' At times, this impetuous and im- partial writer, carried away by his patriotic and bellicose ardour, abandors the conditional for the future tense, and talks of what France will do when the war he evidently thirsts for shall break out. He also gives us some rather startling intelligence. 'England lost nearly all her army in the Crimea' to repair her losses at Inkermann she recalled her troops from India ; hence the insurrection ; in reality, it was from Sebastopol
that sprang the independence of India The domination of the English in India is finished. Nothing can again lift up English power. They may command days of prayer and of public fasting ; they would need to change their souls. . . . . They have wearied Providence, and their reign is past. . . . . The newer of England was never anything but a usurped power She remained in the first rank only as the consequence of a surprise. She is redescendimg to her natural place. She will sulk at first ; then she will get used to it. If she kicks she is lost; and she will end by listening to reason and by learning justice, for Cherbourg is there.' The writer inveighs against the privileged classes' in England, and predicts that they would find no support from the people on the day when a French General should present himself with the Great Charter of universal suffrage in one hand, and, in the other, the Code Napoleon, with all its principles of social equality. 'Henceforward it is no longer Heaven alone that the English workman will invoke in his misery, he will turn his eyes towards Cherbourg, seeking in the mists of the horizon, the liberating fleet.' " The reputed author of this extravagant nonsense is M. Jules Le- chevalier, some time a socialist refugee in England, now an employe in France.
The Count de Bondy, an ex-peer of France, late candidate for the Council-General of the Indre, is about to fight the battle of electoral freedom in that department. The Government candidate defeated him, and he now accuses the prefect, his officers, and the priests of having used disgraceful mud unabashed coercion against him. He makes out a good case, and shows that the ballot in France is a farce.
Surkt4.—Jeddah has been bombarded. A telegraphic despatch from Consul Green at Alexandria, as full of literal errors as is usual in the
despatches of this gentleman, was received on Thursday, enclosing a de- spatch from Captain Pullen, who returned to Suez from Jeddah on the 14th August. "Cyclops arrived at Jeddah, 23d of July. Melnik [Namik] Pasha at Mecca. Satisfaction demanded, and letter sent to Kamaikam, under flying
seal, saying if no satisfactory answer received in 36 hours, shall proceed to
extremities. On the morning of the 25th, 20 hours [?40] having inter- vened from time of sending despatch, and no reply, commenced bombarding, on the town at intervals. Fourteen or fifteen bungalows burnt and de- stroyed. 11 am.—Letter received from Pasha not satisfactory. Resumed operations, and continued occasionally until evening of the 26th, both from boats and ships, with shot, shell, and rockets. "27th.—Troops arrived, 507 Bashi-Bazouks ; time given to land.
" 28th.—Gassa [Pasha?] arrived ; comes on board next day ; can Nine to no satisfactory arrangements; cannot execute murderers, but has them confined, 'station [stating ?] that has not the power of life and death. Time extended to allow pilgrims to embark.
"30th.—[The] Lady Canning leaves for Yembo with Moorish Prince: Depositions of murderers sent off, and proved guilty by their own local courts. Their execution insisted upon on morning of the second instsnt, and not complied with by the evening of the 4th. Commenced bomber; ding again on the morning of the 5th. Before a reply is received tn Yabari steamer arrived with troops, 480 Egyptians. Ismail Pawn; [Pasha ?] commands, with power to satisfy the just demands of England and France.
"On the morning of the 6th 11 murderers executed [in] sight of title town and shipping in port, and four more culprits to be sent to Constan nople.
"The Cyclops left Jeddah on the morning of the 7th instant, and hai brought up a messenger from the Pasha, with despatches for Constant' nople."
The newspaper despatches state in additIon that many country Ail's in port were burned. ,3skis.—Te1egraphic despatches from Bombay arrived on Monday, lied the fuller despatches to the 19th July arrived on Thursday. There is not a single new conflict in any part of India recorded in these letters. Grant's victory at Nawabgunge had cleared the whole Acutery between Luoknow and the Gogra. The wreak of the rebels had — at Bundee, in the north. There were the Begum of Oude, lincomoo Khan, her paramour, the Begum's young son, now proclaimed rusg of Oude under the title of Ikbal Shah. A new Moulvie had been elected, and, at the head of a small force, was in the neighbourhood of Powayne. To the south of Luoknow, Beni Madho Singh was established on the flank of the Cawnpore road, and Mann Singh, in his fort of Shah- gunge, near Fyzabad, 'was besieged by Mahomed Hossein. A series of defensive positions, connected by a chain of posts, were in course of erection at Lucknow.
• In Central India, the fugitives from Gwalior, frustrated in their designs on Jeypore by the rapid march of General Roberts, turned south- ward, Roberts following. They had, when last heard of, just decamped from the town of Tonk, where the Rajah held a fort against them, im-
neijed by the near approach of Roberts's advanced guard. Briga- dier Smith had been sent with part of his force to Kotah ; and a move- able column had been organized at Mhow. It is stated that the Gwalior 'fugitives carry with them Scindia's crown jewels. The Central India field force has gone into quarters at Gwalior, Jhansi, Sepree, and Hoonah. -Sir Hugh Rose had taken farewell of his soldiers in a general order redounding to their credit. The most curious arrival by this mail is a correspondence between the Oude rebel chiefs and Jung Bahadoor. It appears that in the middle of May, the Begum and the viceroy of Oude bethought them of applying for assistance to Nepaul. They therefore sent an ambassador to Tool- seepoor, one Mehemet' Suffinz Alec, with seven Persian letters to the Nepaul authorities, including two to Jung Bahadoor. In these letters the Nepaulese is reminded of the old friendship that subsisted between the two countries, reproached for assisting the British who are bent on destroying the religion of the Hindoos and Mahomedans, informed of British treachery, and asked to join the rebels in the cause of religion. 4‘It is proper for and binding on all chiefs to enter into agreement to kill and get rid of these infidels." To these overtures Jung Bahadoor replied, directing his letter to the so-called King of Oude, but not re- cognizing the kingly title. "Your letter of the 7thJeth Soode, (Wednesday, corresponding to the 19th May 1858,) to the address of his Highness the Maharajah of Nepaul, and that of 13th Jeth Vudee of the present year, (Tuesday, corresponding to the 11th Max 18580 to my address, have reached their respective destinations, and their contents are fully understood. In it is written that the British are bent on the destruction of the society, religion, and faith of both Hin- doos and Mahomedans.
"Be it known that for upwards of a century the British have reigned in Hindostan, but up to the present moment neither the Hindoos nor the Ma- homedans have ever complained that their religion has been interfered with. "As the Hindoos and Mahomedans have been guilty of ingratitude and .perfidity, neither the Nepaul Government nor I can side with them.
"Since the atar of faith and integrity, sincerity in words as well as in acts, and the wisdom and comprehension of the British, are shining as bright as the sun in every quarter of the globe, be assured that my Government will never disunite itself from the friendship of the exalted British Government, er be instigated to join with any monarch against it, be he as high as Hea- ven. What grounds can we have for connecting ourselves with the Hindom and Mahomedans of Hindostan ?
"Be it also known, that had I in any way been inclined to cultivate the 'friendship and intimacy of the Hinder, and Mahomedan tribes, should I have massacred 6000 or 6000 of them in my way to Lucknow "Now as pu have sent me a friendly letter, let me persuade you, that if any person, Hindoo or Mahomedan, who has not murdered a British lady or 'child goes immediately to Mr. Montgomery, the Chief Commissioner of
lucknow, and surrenders his arms and makes submission, he will be per- Inittol to retain his honour, and his crime will be pardoned.
"If you still be inclined to make war on the British, no Rajah or King in 'the world will give you an asylum, and death will be the end of it. "I have written whatever has come into my plain mind, and it will be proper and better for you to act in accordance with what I have said." Some interesting particulars of Napier's action at Jonra Alipore with the rear column of the Gwalior fugitives have come to hand. The enemy had 6000 men and 25 guns. He was assailed by Napier with 600 men and 6 guns, four only of which came into action. Napier formed on their flank and charged. The four guns under Captain Lightfoot had only time to fire two rounds before the enemy wavered. Seeing this tfoot charged them with his guns at racing speed, outstripped the handful of supporting cavalry, and opened fire on the fugitives who fled in all directions. This brilliant feat was performed by Bombay Horse Artillerymen.
'Paid StatP31.—The Northern Light arrived at Southampton on Thursday, with advice& from New York-to the 3d August. The Lecompton Constitution had been rejected in Kansas by an over- whelming popular majority. Later news had been received from Utah. The territory was per- fectly tranquil, and the general officers were in high favour with the Mormons. None of the soldiers of General Johnstone's army were al-
lowed to enter Salt Lake City, and strict orders had been issued, pro- hibiting any interference with the Mormons. The Peace Commissioners had left for -Washington.
Mr. Nugent, the Special Commissioner from Washington to New 'Caledonia, had left New York by the California steamer, charged to make such representation to Governor Douglas as would induce him to mitigate the rigours of the policy of the Hudson's Bay Company and of the servants of the British Government towards miners and traders from the United Stabs. He was also instructed to counsel the latter on the 'duty of obeying therms of the country, if they expected to be protected
in their business pursuits.•It appears that Mr. Dallas has called the attention of the British Government to the apprehended difficulties with the Governor of Van- -eouver's Island in arresting the paaaage of United States citizens into the 4.01d. regions. Lord Malmesbury's reply is printed in the American journals as follows-- ',Foreign Office, June 17, 1858. " The undersigned, her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the note which Mr. -Dallas, Envoy Extrordinary and. Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, addressed to him on the 13thinstant, calling the atten- tion other Majesty's Government to the obstructions which it is appre- handed may be offered by the Governor of Vancouver's Island to the peewee of citizens of the United States to the districts in British Oregon, where gold is reported to have been found.
"The undersigned begs leave to assure Mr. Dallas that the subject of his note shall receive immediate attention, and that her Majesty's Government are, on their part, disposed, as far as they can properly do so, to deal liberally with any citizens of the United States who may desire to proceed to that quarter of the British possessions. But her Majesty's Government must necessarily ascertain in the first place how far the charter of the Hudson's Bay Company bears upon the question and then generally from the law officers of the Crown whether any legal considerations require attention on the part of her Majesty's Government in connexion with this question.
"The undersigned has the honour to renew to Mr. Dallas the assurances of his highest consideration.
"G. M. Dallas, Esq., &C. MALMESTIVRY." The survey of the boundary between British Columbia and Washing- ton territory is to be rapidly pushed on.
Two United States vessels of war had been ordered to take their stations near the mouth of the San Juan River, and extend such pro- tection to American commerce and American interests as may be re- quired.
Mr. Buchanan wrote a congratulatory letter to Mr. Cyrus Field on the 5th August, touching the successful submersion of the Atlantic cable. He says— Under the blessing of Divine Providence I trust it may prove instrumental in promoting perpetual peace and friendship betweest the kindred nations. I have not yet received the Queen's despatch."
tall atra.—Advices from Toronto, vitl New York, to the 3d August, were received on Tuesday. The two Houses met on the 2d, and great interest was shown both by the members and the public in an expected statement of Mr. Brown's policy. Disappointment followed, however_, for Mr. Patrick, on behalf of the new Cabinet, contented himself with a bare recital of their names. They were- " George Brown' Inspector-General and Premier ; James Morris Speaker of the Legislative Council ; Michael Foley, Postmaster-General ;' John S. M'Donald, Attorney-General of Canada West ; Oliver Mowatt, Provincial Secretary ; Dr. Connor, Solicitor-General of Lower Canada ; L. V. Drum- mond, Attorney-General of Canada East ; G. B. Dorian, Commissioner of Crown Lands; M. Thibaudeau, Bureau of Agriculture ; M. Lemieux, Re- ceiver-General ; L. H. Holton, Public Works; M. Laberge' Solicitor-Ge- neral of Canada East. The names of Messrs. Drummond, Dorion' and Thibaudeau elicited loud laughter and exclamations from the supporters of the late Ministry."
It was then moved that a new writ should be issued for Montreal in the room of Mr. Dorion. Mr. Langevin thereupon moved that these words should be added-
" That this House, while ordering the said writ, must at the same time state, that the Administration, the formation of which has created this vacancy, does not possess the confidence of this House and the country."
The House smartly discussed this resolution, and finished by adopting it by 71 to 31. The Upper House passed a similar resolution of want of confidence, by 16 to 8. They also expressed their regret that the Lower House had disapproved of the choice of Ottawa as the seat of Government.
It was supposed that a dissolution would ensue, although the Go- vernor-General was opposed to that course.
Mr. Brown soon afterwards resigned office. Mr. Galt was next called upon to form a Ministry, but he failed. The latest advices say, that on the 6th it was stated in Parliament that Mr. Cartier and Mr. John A. Macdonald were forming a Cabinet.
NEM gni/Intl.—Files of Canterbury papers, to Apri114, have come to hand. Their contents represent an unostentatious but decided progress in prosperity. Thus, we find it recorded in the _Lytacton Times, that the exports of the past year are worth two-thirds more than those of the preceding year, partly because the exported articles have improved in price. Buildings of all kinds were rising rapidly ; agriculture was vigorously extending, and the demand for land increasing ; the roads were in excellent order, and new ones were in course of construction, limited only by the want of labourers. This seems, indeed, to be the cardinal want of the colony, and the cry for more men and women is incessant. Politics attracted general attention, but excited little party feeling. Mr. Sewell had returned from England. The fifth session of the General Assembly had been opened by the Go- vernor. His speech on the occasion was occupied wholly with topics of local interest. By the energetic exertions of Mr. Sewell in England the whole amount of the loan had been taken up by the Union Bank of Australia. Regret is expressed that steam mail communication with England has not been established. Reference is made to the gold dis- coveries in New Zealand, which promise results beneficial to the colony. Bills revising the electoral system were to be submitted to the Assembly; and plans for the welfare of the natives had been prepared, founded on definite, liberal, and comprehensive principles.