Some progress has been made in the selection of the nominees to the Council of India. Sir Frederick Currie and Sir Henry Rawlins= have accepted seats. Mr. John Stuart Mill has declined to serve, on the score of failing health. Mr. J. P. Willoughby had not, on Monday, accepted the offer of a seat made to him: The next addition made to the Council of India is General Sir Richard Vivian, for some years Adjutant-general of the Madras Army, a Director of the East India Company under the act of 1863, Commander.ofthe Turkish Contingent during the Russian war.
"Cl. D. L," now so well known for his contributions of information and opinion on Indian subjects, very happily calls attention in the -Nay News to the services of Mr. Bartle Prere.
"There lies a frontier province contiguous with the Punjaub, whose Chief Commissioner has perhaps scarcely done either it or himself justice in words. Content with the fact of having held Seinde and relieved the Bom- bay Presidency, Mr. Bartle Trace has remained indifferent to applause and been not less surprised than gratified by the unsolicited thanks of his country's representatives. Yet the facts are eternally true, that when in the autumn of 1867 the number of disaffected Maori in the Pimjaub was
equivalent with that of the levies and other troops by whom the disaffected were watched ; when Sir John Lawrence dared not hope to hold Peshawur, and when the maintenance of the Punjaub itself was a question of awful uncertainty from day to day—aye, from hour to hour—when all this was 'impending in the Punjaub, Mr. Frere quelled a mutiny at Kurrachee, with a few Horse Artillery—a mutiny at Hydmbad with a few Europeans— and a mutiny at Shikarpore, with his native police. He frustrated a widely ramifying plot, exterior to his border, by the steady discipline of the Scinde Horse. He held in cheek, by the presence of this corps, a regiment of Irregular Cavalry, which belonged to the Punjaub, but which Sir John Lawrence declined to receive back lest they should aggravate his difficul- ties. Mr. Frere passed on at the same time every available European sol- dier to the assistance of the sister province ; with the exception, indeed, of one body of English troops whom he promptly etnbarked for Bombay, and thus enabled Lord Elphinstene to crush revolt in the southern districts of his Presidency. A detachment of Sciude Horse then serving in Persia he assented to transmitting to Bombay, and that detachment has since marched round by Delhi and returned to its frontier. Meantime, the old feudal chiefs and the peasantry of Scinde remained so loyal that, though surrounded on all sides (save that of the seaboard) by anarchy and revolt, the Chief Commissioner and his establishment traversed the province escorted solely by the usual guard of honour composed wholly of Sepoys."
According to the present arrangements her Majesty, the Prince Con- sort, and suite, will return from the Continent on the 31st instant. The Queen will then take up her abode at Osborne, where the Court will re- main until the 6th proximo, and then proceed to Buckingham Palace. On the following day (September 7) the Queen, the Prince Consort, and Royal family and suite, will take their departure for Leeds, on their way to Scotland. The Court will return from Scotland and arrive at Wind- sor Castle by the 15th of October.
The Birmingham Journal reports that Mr. Bright, now in Scotland, will come south to Birmingham in October, and stay there a week or two, taking the opportunity of addressing his constituents in the Town .Hall. The experience of the past session has convinced his friends that a little care, and the husbanding of his strength, will enable him to take an active share in public life.
The Duke of Malakoff landed at Folkestone, on Saturday evening, from the war steamer Dauphine. He was detained there only seven minutes, and set of to London by the tidal train. On Sunday evening, August 15, the Duke gave a "splendid entertainment" at his house, by Albert Gate, in honour of the fete Napoleon. Lord Derby, Lord Chelmsford, and most of the diplomatic body were present. The Austrian Minister was an excep- tion.
Major General Peel and Sir John Burgoyne inspected the troops and establishments at Chatham on Tuesday. Sir John Pakington has been engaged in a similar duty at Plymouth.
Lord Eglinton has accepted the onerous and dignified post of President of the Belfast Bowling Club, "Really," says the Northern Whig, "this vulgar hankering after aristocratic patronage is becoming too general in Belfast."
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Antwerp, has just elected Mr. E. H. Rally, the English Royal Academician, a member of its body.
Mr. Herwald Wake, the gallant leader of the party of gentlemen and Sikhs who so brilliantly defended Arrah, has been feted by his fellow towns- man at Northampton.
The Queen has notified from Potsdam her intention to become a pa- troness of the Dramatic College, and has sent a donation of 100/.
Continental gossip states that for some weeks past the physicians have interdicted the Princess Frederick William from taking railway journeys, her accouchement being expected in October. The same correspondent states, that according to present arrangements the Queen will remain at Potsdam until the 25th, and on her return will stop two days at the Court of Cobourg.
The New Prussian Gazette announces that the Emperor of Russia has invited the Prince of Prussia to witness the great military manoeuvres which are to take place in the neighbourhood of Warsaw towards the end of September.
The Archduke Stephen of Austria, ex-Governor-General of Hungary, who has for some years been living in a sort of exile in the Duchy of Nassau, has returned to 'Vienna, and a reconciliation has taken place between him and the Emperor.
As might have been expected, the proposal for a testimonial to the late Sir William Peel has met with such sympathy from the public that the committee are enabled to extend their original plan. It is now proposed that the picture of the late Captain Peel shall be _painted by Mr. John Lucas, and that it shall be presented to Greenwich Hospital, on condition that a suitable position be assigned to it in the Painted-hall. The Dowager Lady Peel will be requested to accept a cabinet picture, copied from that to be placed in the Painted-hall, and that a print be presented to every seaman and marine who served in the Naval -Brigade under the orders of Sir William Peel. Messrs. Graves, and Co. to whom the engraving of the print is intrusted, hope to have it ready 1:May next. It was Captain Peel who suggested the formation of the Naval Brigade. The gallantry and devotion of that force are well appreciated by the country. The pre- mature death of the gallant young officer excited such general regret that it is needless to urge the public to join in a testimonial intended to acknow- ledge and perpetuate the remembrance of the services he rendered to his country.
Colonel Morris, of the 17th Lancers, an able soldier who had seen war and won its honours in India and in the Crimea, died at Poona on the 11th Inly, greatly regretted by his brother officers and his men.
A Brussels paper informs us that "Dr. Andre Schleiermacher, one of the greatest scientific notabilities of Germany, died suddenly at Darmstadt, on the 11th August."
The Admiralty have notified their readiness to receive tenders for the con- veyance of 150 troops to Vancouver's Island yid Cape Horn, including a force of Royal Engineers, provided with everything necessary for the for- mation of roads and bridges to open up the resources of the colony, and to erect block-houses for the reception and safe custody of the gold which may be disposed of by the miners, and at the same time to form an organized military force for the maintenance of law and order.
Mr. Lyons M‘Leod, our Consul at Mozambique, has been stoned out of his house and forced to quit his post by the slave party in that district of the King of Portugal's dominions. This is another instance of the impetus *vest to slave trading by France and America.
One of the correspondents of the Morning Post, appointed to chronicle the tour of the Emperor, was arrested at Aumy. 'Why? Because one a his Christian names was Bernard. He was kept a prisoner for twenty- four hours, and then released without a word of explanation.
The only boys who succeeded in climbing the greased pole set up at Bayonne in honour of the Emperor's fête, and in carrying of its prizes, were an English cabin boy, and two Spanish lads from the Asturias. Our little countryman went up with perfect ease, and stood on the top like his big brothers at Cherbourg. The spanarda sat there.
The Vienna Gazette publishes an Imperial decree, forbidding the exports,. tion of arms and ammunition to Bosnia, except for the account of the Turkish government.
Accounts from Minden, in Prussia, state that the great spinning min in that town was destroyed by fire on the 11th. The loss is valued at 375,000e and 200 workmen have been thrown out of work.
The Marquis of Ailsa is building a life-boat at his own expense for use along the coast from Dunure to Turnberry.
The anniversary of the day on which Great Britain emancipated the slaves in her West India possessions was celebrated by festivals at 13oughkeepsie, New Bedford, New York, and Brooklyn.
The United States Government had awarded to Charles A. Ferguson, owner of the ship Herefordshire, of London the sum of 2574 dollars for de: tention and expenses incurred by that vessel in rescuing the passengers and crew of the ship John Gilpin, wrecked off Cape Horn, and taking them to Bahia; also to Captain Thomas S. Scott,. commander of the Herefordshire, a service of silver plate, consisting of six pieces, for his noble conduct on that occasion.
Five Peers, formerly Masters of the Royal Stag Hounds, and other Peers and gentlemen, have presented a handsome piece of plate to Mr. Charles Davies, Huntsman of the Queen's Stag Hounds, as a mark of his "high qualifications as a sportsman, his gentlemanly bearing in the hunting fierd, and his long and efficient services."
The " beefeaters " at the Tower have succumbed to the innovating spirit of the nineteenth century. The splendid dress which they and their prede- cessors have worn since the reign of bluff King Hal is abolished. In future they will go about modestly in a blue tunic and blue trowsers, the former faced the latter striped with red.
In a private letter from an honourable and intelligent resident in Cal, mast, mingling extensively in society there, we read :—" The young lady who survived the Cawnpore massacre is now in Calcutta. Her mind is se unsettled, and she cannot bear to be spoken to on the subject." The date of this letter is July 1.—Express.
An English mechanic, Richard Dudgeon, residing in New York, his in. vented a steam carriage for common roads which, it is said, has been found to answer in the Empire city, but which would answer better in roads lees frequented than its crowded streets.
The spread of the plague in Bengazi is attributed to the neglect of ordinary precautions on the part of the Governor of the province. It appears that he was warned by the British Vice-Consul, Mr. Crowe, who suggested that the tribe in whose district the plague broke out should be isolated. As the trite lived six hours distance from Bengazi the advice might have been acted on. It was not, and the plague spread to Bengazi. Large numbers died daily. Rich and poor fell alike. At length, on the representations of Mr. Crowe, two physicians arrived from Constantinople. By this time half the population of Bengazi had fled to the desert. Kr. Crow remained at his post ten weeks. Then, when all his servants but one had died, he fled to Tripoli.
The Registrar-General reports that the number of deaths last week, 1147, is not only below that of the two preceding weeks, but is 208 under the calculated average.
The Turin papers quote letters from Locarno, containing accounts of an attempt at murder committed there on the 6th, on the person of one Casi- mir Parodi, who, peing implicated in the insurrection of the 29th June 1857,. at Genoa, had turned King's evidence, in consequence of which he had since then been doomed to assassination by the sect which had originated that movement. The assassin escaped.
Robson, Redpath, Tester, and the Reverend W. Beresford, are now on the wide sea, bound for Western Australia.
A gentleman who employs a great number of hands in a manufactory in the west of England, in order to encourage his workpeople in a due atten- dance at church on a late fast day, told them that if they went to church they would receive their wages for that day in the same manner as if they had been at work. Upon which a deputation was appointed, to acquaint the employer that if he would pay them for over hours they would attend like- wise the Methodist chapel in the evening. An English lady has been Beverly burnt in Paris in consequence of a common and shameful practice. Smokers do not extinguish the fire of their fusees when they throw them away. One of these burning ends set the lady's dress on fire.