21 AUGUST 1936, Page 19

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—If Lord Beaverbrook finishes

the verse of the hymn of which he quotes the first two lines, he will find that his position respecting the out-of-date and fatal policy of Isolation is condemned. Among those who answer the question " Is He sure to bless " are groups of those who struggled to save the whole world—not only one nation..

I am thankful to read your clear statement on another page that these views of Lord Beaverbrook's are " the precise opposite of The Spectator's." You say " the task of Great Britain is to impress on the nations of the world . . . the necessity of raising the League of Nations to authority and power "—surely a more sane and Christian policy than

isolation.—Yours faithfully, I. GREENER. Highclere Road, Southampton.