21 AUGUST 1959, Page 24


SIR,—I've been in Germany and have only just seen Mr. Dominic Behan's letter about my review 'The Patriot Game.'

At the risk of starting a mutual admiration society, I'd like to say that if only people knew Mr. Dominic Behan's song 'better there'd be no need for people like Mr. Bennett to write books about the IRA or people like me to review them. Which would be good business for Mr. Dominic Behan. but bad for people like Mr. Bennett and me, 1 suppose. Still, so much do I admire Mr. Behan for this song that I wish it were so. It Is disgraceful that I forgot to mention his name in my review and I might now add that his long' playing record Songs of the Republican Army, in which it appears, can be bought in America, but unaccountably not in this country—as far as I knout. An intelligent recording company, please noic.-- Yours faithfully,