21 AUGUST 1959, Page 28



1 Fastening in a tooth successful (6) 4 Storing the hose (8)

10 Alias N. Parker? (4, 3)

11 A stilish quadruped! (4, 3)

12 Puttee sale (anag.) (10), 13 Tax-man? (4) 15 Speakers who might well shorter I (7) 17 Work puzzles when one faces it (7) 19 Advance of the repertory com- pany? (7) 21 Her pelt relates to a matter of transport (7) 23 The little rodent has all the tricks (4) 24 Looks like a cutlet with a frill when no work is indicated (10) 27 Spoil Miss Woodhouse? (7) 28 Soul in turmoil about the retiring parson (7) proving be 29 Moses confused about the direc- tion (8) 30 The Croucher' (6) DOWN 1 Ganymede at Wembley? (3-6)

2 Prize goes to maturity (7)

3 1 clap no one imperially (10) 5 Bill might be so dismissed in a conversational way (6, 3)

6 'Love rules the court, the —, the grove' (Scott) (4) 7 Fingers the registers (7)

8 The American soldier acquired a joint (5) 9 Tory disguise (4)

14 A cup, please, of relish (5, 5) 16 Appropriate spiritual home of 15 (9) 18 The band begins to celebrate the end of the dispute (7, 2) 20 A progressive chap (7)

A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a book token fur one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on Sept. 1. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1,051, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.. Solution on Sept. 4

22 'Had 1 the — embroidered cloths' (Yeats) (7) 23 Are their victims exploited to improvised music? (5)

25 Wherein is displayed the in- sularity of mendacity (4)

26 Catcalls disclose the birds (4)