ECM SOME, TIME now 1 have noticed how— presumably because
of the shortage of 'B' pictures —new films on general release are often accom- panied by foreign language films, usually French; and I have wondered how these latter, for so long restricted to big city 'art theatres,' fare with the mass audience of the Odeon. Last week I hap- pened to go to the local cinema in a small town in the Home Counties and was delighted to find Autant-Lara's lirilliant La Travers&, de Paris ('Pig Across Paris') holding the excited attention of local audience, though the French was of anY11' but schoolboy variety and the sub-titles mini!' It will be pleasantly ironic if this period 01 cinema's decline should see a .breaching of Intellectualversits-the-Rest attitude on the r of distributors; had it happened sooner it 11
have helped to prevent that decline. pit