7 .11 answer to H. G. Alexander (Letters, tio'ullust) there have indeed been two edicons of Edward Bond's libretto for We wine' to the River. The first, to which he kiers, is from Bond's publishers, Eyre yoe,.t,huen. The 'I'll enjoy making a hole in ao: line appears on page 89. It fails to b wvar on page 18 of the libretto as printed Y gives-nze, s publishers, Schott. This usefully i48 the text in three columns, thus indicat‘Allat is happening on which of the three arIcrs and when. It was printed in Germany, weti.i,s not free of misprints. Nor was last Wasi S letter, in which the page reference reVeTUte-1 Mimes to 98. ua lf
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