THE fight between M. Thiers and the tI Thirty Tyrants," as the Kerdrel Committee might be called, has gone through several phases this week, but has ended on the whole to his advantage. The debate on Dissolution commenced on Saturday with the powerful speech by M. Gambetta, analysed elsewhere, and was terminated by M. Dufaure, who, on the part of the Government, repudiated dissolution, abused M. Gambetta, apologised for the Republic, and promised conciliation, till the Right, in a paroxysm of pleasure, agreed to withdraw their resolution censuring petitioners and pass to the Order of the Day. The conservative fraction of the Left Centre, believing that M. Dufaure spoke the mind of the President, broke away from their party, and the vote was carried by 490 to 201. This was on Saturday midnight, and for thirty- six hours the Right believed that they had reduced M. Thiers to a mere instrument in their hands, had prohibited dissolution, and had obtained the full control of the Government offices. • They were quite happy, though they knew that on Tuesday a hundred thousand copies of M. Gambetta's speech would be put in cir- culation.