Reuter telegraphs from New York on Thursday :—" The claims
of the Erie Railway Company upon Mr. Gould have been settled by the restitution of the whole amount,—namely, over 9,000,000 dollars of real estate, and securities and cash to the value of 7,000,000 dollars." Mr. Gould therefore had, if the telegram is true, absorbed £3,200,000,—quite the biggest thing in stealings ever done. The restitution is wonderfully clever. It will exonerate Mr. Gould from all claims, and probably cost him very little. We venture to predict, knowing the genius of the man, that before he made restitution he had bought three times as many Erica as ever were in the market, and on the rise produced by his restitu- tion will mulct the dealers in a sum quite equal to his original pickings. He did the very same thing once before, and made a quarter of a million by his own expulsion from office.