Prince Bismarck will, it appears, obtain the new and heavy
tax which be thinks necessary to restore German finance. He had proposed that tobacco should be made a Government monopoly in Germany, as it is in France ; and although the Tobacco Inquiry Commission has rejected this proposal, it has suggested another, which will, it is believed, be accepted by the National Liberals. This is a duty according to weight on tobacco grown in Germany, and a corresponding duty on imported tobacco, both being heavy enough to yield £3,000,000 a year. That is a sensible proposal, although if the tax is not varied according to quality, the pressure on the people will be severe. There are 8,000,000 adult males in Germany, and supposing them all smokers, each will contribute 7s. 6d. a year, quite a perceptible amount, and one which may seriously diminish the Chancellor's popularity. He still prefers the monopoly plan, which would enable him in a time of crisis to increase the price of tobacco to any amount which neither stopped consumption nor created a revolt.