[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR " ] Sin,—It seems to me
passing strange that the Spectator should take up the position it does on the Education ques- tion. Surely if there is a grievance anywhere, it is the Non- conformists who have to bear it. Here in Wales we may, I think, fairly assume that 75 per cent. of those attending our elementary schools are the children of Dissenting parents, and further, that 75 per cent. of the wealth of Wales is held by Churchmen. Is it fair or just that a small and wealthy minority should be able, by the building of voluntary schools, to determine the kind of school the majority of Welsh children should attend P Again, is it right that in the large majority of parishes in Wales, no child of Dissenting parents can hope to enter the teaching profession, by becoming a pupil teacher, except it be in a Church school?
What is true with regard to Wales, is true in large portions of England ; and Nonconformists will fail in their duty if they rest satisfied until there is a school under public control in every parish in our land.—I am, Sir, dm, C. H. J.
[This means, we fear, that Nonconformists will fail in their duty if they rest satisfied until the education rates are more than doubled.—ED. Spectator]