[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR "] SIR, —Mr. Wilson's letter
in the Spectator of December 14th is sensible enough ; but he fails to see that his argument cuts both ways. For Baptist read Churchman, for National school read Board-school, and his argument recoils upon himself. Is this the rich and generous " Baptist's idea of religions equality, that the little son of the Churchman is to walk six miles before 10 o'clock in order to get both his religious and secular instruction F It was once wittily said by a politician that non-intervention was " a diplomatic word signifying much the same as intervention." Is it not equally true that " undenominational " is a controversial word signifying much the same as " denominational,"—and per- haps a good deal more P It means to some of us Churchmen a good deal that is not religious, if not anti-religions,—that is very " anti " indeed to doctrines which we believe to be founded upon the words of our Divine Master taken in their simplest meaning.—I am, Sir, &c.,