Love and Life Behind the Purdah. By Cornelia Sorabji. (Freeman
tie and Co. 6s.)—The stories told by this Parsee lady Love and Life Behind the Purdah. By Cornelia Sorabji. (Freeman tie and Co. 6s.)—The stories told by this Parsee lady
of the women of India are sad ones. They seem to be always struggling blindly for something, whether it be to keep the love of their lord and be spared the bitterness of seeing their places filled by a new wife, to save their children from the cruel jealousy of rivals, or to avoid contamination for their dead. There are some striking descriptions of the horrors of the plague, written with sympathy for the rulers as well as the ruled. Miss Sorabji's style is unequal ; when she is beginning her story and introducing the characters she is rather inclined to the use of long words, and there is a slightly foreign sound in her sentences, but when she comes to the realities of emotion or interest she writes simply and to the point. There are a few pages of intro- duction and appreciation by Lady Dufferin and Lord Hobhouse, and a charming photograph of the author in her graceful Indian dress.