Messrs. De La Rue and Co. send us an assortment
of diaries of many sizes and shapes, and adapted to many uses and pur- poses. The Desk Diary, with the usual information (an addition to last year's contents being the "Administrations of Great Britain, 1652-1895"), and abundance of space for diary (the double page to a week) and for accounts, Ztc , is perhaps the most practically useful. Then there are in many forms Condensed Diaries, Portable .Diaries (most are more or less por- table), Red-Letter Diaries, &c., some available for the waistcoat pocket. The Indelible Diary is a convenient form ; so is one entitled Condensed Diary and Engagement Book, furnished with a useful-looking little paper-knife. There are also Calendars to be hung up, or made to stand on the table, or carried in the pocket.