t Underwear suitable for the exponents of mergers (12).
9 It sounds almost as if nobody knows the sculptor in Scotland (9).
10 Ladies only in ancient Rome? (5) 11 So a sin can be disguised by Mac- pherson (6).
12 'Not all that tempts your wand'ring eyes . . . is lawful prize; Nor all that gold' (Gray) (8).
13 You will find me surrounded by ambitions; change needed (6).
15 Marguerite Steen's horse (8).
18 ... and the field changed victoriously (8).
19 Euclid, perhaps, on the river (6).
21 'Prim little — are the flowers of her garden' (Meredith) (8).
23 No men 01 wisdom among the Red Indians? (6) 26 It's divine in the ravine! (5)
27 She gives a chill nod—by clockwork? (5. 4)
28 He comes up the hard way (12). DOWN
1 Regard a payment with sympathy (7). 2 The old soldier covers a good distance (5). 3 can,' Le Cid announces in an un- natural environment (9). 4 Approval given in masculine fashion if ungrammatically (4).
5 How to get browned off when accused of a tardy home-coming (8). 6 Nobody's disclosing these dates (5). 7 For a — to fall On our meat and on us all' (Herrick) (7).
8 A pint for the emperor (8). 14 He has a castle in South London (8).
16 Comes ashore on the promontory, what a scene! (9) 17 Rain came for him (8), 18 A little bit of bone is close (7). 20 Is the cattle-thief wearing a taffeta petticoat? (7) 22 Sappers return with nothing (5).
24 'In — of satin and glimmer of pearls' (Tennyson) (5).
25 it could hardly be further from oxtail! (4)
Iwo prizes will he awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary end a book token for one guinea. They will Du awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on January 1 and addressed: Crossword No. 919, 99 Gower St., London, WCI Chamber,' s Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords. Solution on January 4 Solution to No. 917 on page 4y11 The winners of Crossword No. 917 are: MRS. I. M. CoNcson, Littlehote Queen's Road, Crowborough, Sussex, and Ma. R. HOOD Commute. Hepscott Terrace, South Shields.