A Cabinet Council was held at the Foreign Office today
at two o'clock.
Lord John Russell had an interview shortly before eleven o'clock this morning with the Marquis of Lansdowne, at Lansdowne House; after which he proceeded to Buckingham Palace, and had an audience of her Majesty. Sir Charles Wood and Sir George Grey likewise had audiences of her Majesty.—Globe.
The Standard contradicts a report in the Horning Chronicle that the Earl of Derby was sent for this morning by express to the seat of the Duke of Beaufort at Bedminster, whither he went yesterday on a visit. But he intended to return on Monday.
Yesterday, a meeting of between thirty and forty Liberal Members of Parliament took place in one of the Committee-rooms of the House of Commons, when the subject of Lord John Russell's new Reform Bill was taken into consideration, and a discussion took place on the steps to be adopted respecting it. Several resolutions were adopted, and it was agreed that a deputation should wait upon Lord John Russell to urge upon hie Lordship the necessity of adopting the ballot, and of taking the second Member from certain small boroughs, and conferring the seats thus gained upon large unrepresented towns. The Minister arranged to receive the deputation this afternoon, little anticipating probably the re- sult of last night's debate in the House of Commons.—Daily Hews.