21 FEBRUARY 1852, Page 10



The Parliamentary proceedings of the week and the recall of the Lisbon fleet caused a momentary decline in the prices of the Public Securities : Coe_ sots, which had been 97j, were on Tuesday morning offered at 97. The market has since improved, and after being at 971, the closing quotation of Con- sols this afternoon is 97} both for Money and Account. The observations of Lord John Russell upon the subject of existing treaties and the possibility of the country being consequently involved in war, (though precisely what might have been expected from any Minister upon such an occasion,) created considerable sensation, as it had been previously supposed that the policy of the Government would be to ignore Continental politics as much as possible. Money is without any change. The expectation of a reduction in the rate of discount by the Bank Directors was not realized. A notice for the renewal of the Exchequer Bills falling due in March has appeared. The rate of interest upon the new class of these securities will continue the same as at present—ljd. per diem. The report of a reduction of the interest was therefore premature. An advertisement has appeared from the Treasury respecting the sale of Bonds of the Island of Trinidad and the Colony of British Guiana. These Bonds are to bear an interest of 4 per cent guaranteed by the British Govern- ment, in accordance with the provisions of 11th and 12th of Victoria. They will be disposed of by tender, to be received at the Treasury Chambers on the 26th instant, and are to be issued to the extent of 40,000/. for Trinidad and 50,0001. for British Guiana. In the Foreign Market, the South American Securities continue very muds in demand, and speculation appears determined towards them. Peruvian Bonds have been as high as 99k, Grenada Deferred has reached 81. Equador and Venezuela have also improved, the former to 4f, and the latter to 36 37. Messrs. Baring having agreed to discount the bills brought by M. Falcon- net from Mexico, the amount requisite to pay the dividend upon Mexican Stock due in January last has been lodged to the credit of the Mexican Agency at the Bank of England. A notice from the agent has appeared, stating that the payment of the dividend is to be accompanied by the ex- change of the Bonds ; the existing Five per Cent Stock to be exchanged, as agreed to, for a Three per Cent Stock. It is understood that Colonel Facio has received positive instructions from his Government not to pay the divi- dend unless the conversion be effected.

The Railway Shares are with few exceptions lower than last week, though no transactions of importance have occurred. The traffic for the week end- ing on Saturday last was generally above that of the corresponding week of lastyear. The only change of importance in French Shares is in those of the- Northern of France, which have risen about 10s. per share. This improve- ment has been occasioned by a further grant of an extension of twenty-four years to the term of the lease which it is proposed to extend to ninety-nine years, on condition of the construction of three collateral lines, which will not, it is supposed, be very productive. This description of security, bow- ever, is scarce, almost all the floating shares having been absorbed by the de- mand for Paris.


The unexpected resignation of Ministers, upon what is hardly considered ari- a Parliamentary defeat in a House numbering only 261 Members, has taken. every one by surprise. The opening price of Consols was 961, a fall of a per cent from yesterday's prices. The present price is 96i 97, with butlittle business doing. The Foreign Funds are all nominally heavy, at yesterday's closing quotations, with an indisposition among the dealers to buy Stock. The same remark will apply to the Railway Shares, in which as yet no transactions of moment have occurred.

SATURDAY Two o'etoce.

A large speculative purchase of Consols to the extent of from 100,0001. to 200,0001. occurred in the course of the morning ; the price of these secu- rities, consequently, advanced slightly, and there were for a short time buyers at 97. The market has, however, since gone back again, and closes- at the opening price-96I 97. The Foreign Funds are generally depressed. The South American Securities have been but slightly affected, but with the exception of Peruvian Bonds are rather lower. The following are the

principal bargains—Brazilian, 96; Equadort ; Grenada Deferred, 811; Guatemala, 42; Mexican, 32 1 f; Peruvian, 99 f, Portuguese Four per Cents, 34 34; Spanish Three per Cents, 41}; Ditto New Three per Cents Deferred, 18f ; Ditto Certificates (English), 1}; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 591; Ditto Four per Cents, 924. The Share Market is heavy, and prices, with few exceptions, are lower. The following are the principal bargains—Bristol and Exeter, 86 ; Caledo- nian, 14} I; Eastern Counties, 7f; Great Northern, 181 1 f VI Lancashire- and Yorkshire, 651 1; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 94 f ; London and North-western, 118 171 18; London and South-western, 31 f ; Mid- land, 561 ; Scottish Central, 131; South-eastern, 20} ; York, New- castle, and Berwick, 17f1 ; Central. of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 201 Northern of France, 19f ; Paris and Strasbourg, 161.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities 96 97 96 97

... w. 97/ 98 99 i

7 -16 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Cents 76 59 92 32 99 8 3 100 Bank Stock

Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.

324 Si

Exchequer Bills 58 61 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 91 3 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 113 115.

Brazilian 5 per Cents 94 6 Ditto 41 per Cents 100 102 Be an 44 per Cents 90 2 Spanish Active 5 per Cents.. 231 4 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 105 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 414

Danish 5 per Cents

102 4 Sardinian Bonds 88 90