Ctr Court
Tux Court chronicler has had scarcely any incidents to register this week. The Royal Family remain at Buckingham Palace.
The Queen held a Court yesterday afternoon. Her Majesty gave audience to M. de Bilk, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary from the King of Denmark, and received his credentials. She also gave audiences to Madame Musurus, (wife of the Turkish Minister,' Madame la Comtesse Buol Schauenstein, (wife of the Austrian Ministex,) Madame de Macedo, (wife of the Brazilian Minister,) the Princess dpi Carini, (wife of the Sicilian Minister,) and Madame de Bile, (wife of the Danish Minister) ; who were severally presented by the Countess Gran- ville, wife of her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Lord John Russell had an audience of the Queen on Wednesday.
Her Majesty gave a dinner-party on Tuesday, at which the BelgianMinister and Madame Van de Weyer, the Earl and Countess of Shaftesbury, the Countess of Ellesmere, Lord George Lennox, and Lord Marcus Hill, wore present.
The Queen and Prince Albert were at the Lyceum Theatre on Monday, and at the Princess's on Wednesday.
The young Prince Arthur is sitting to Sir William Ross for his minia- ture portrait, painted by •the Queen's command. Prince Albert gave Colonel Hawker an interview on Thursday, to hear him explain his new carbine, lately approved of by the Ordnance.