Monday, February 23. Ways and Means-Adjourned Debate on Mr. Disraeli's Amendment.
Second reading of Transportation and Penal Servitude Bill.
Sir Emma: PERRY-To present a petition on the Administration of Justice in Bengal. Mr. Gr./a:aro:ix-To move that the Tea and Sugar Duties shall be at the rates fixed by the Customs-duties Act of 1855. The CHANCELLOR of the ExenzunErt-To move his Resolutions on the Incometax and the Sugar and Tea Duties.
Major Rasp-To more an Amendment, that there shall be for the next three Fears a Property-tax of 7d. and an Income-tax of 34d. in the pound.
Tuesday. February 24. Sir J0811111, WAL.118LEY-To move for a Select Committee on the Representative System.
Mr. Porzsao-liTioarnmix-To move for a Select Committee on the National Debt, to consider its reduction by a conversion of a portion into Terminable Annuities or otherwise.
Mr. BlINYLYCK-TO move for a Select Committee on Railway Accidents. Mr. NATTER-To call attention to the subject of the Franklin Expedition. Thursday, February 26. Mr. COBDER-To move a Resolution condemning recent British Proceedings at Canton, and for a Select Committee to consider our Commer
cial Relations with China, "
Mr. COWPER-Bill to amend the Public Health Act, Friday. February 27. The ArroRxEy-GENERAb-Bill to punish Fraudulent Breaches of Trust.