The names of. the American Commissioners under,the, new Alaskan Treaty
were published this week. They are Mr. Root, Senator Lodge, and Senator Turner. Mr. Root ; an- questionably one of the ablest men alive to-day in the Anglo-Saxon world of , politics. As. Secretary for War and the Colonies, he has had tasks of extraordinary difficulty to perform; but he has handled every problem with the touch of a• statesnsan. Senator Lodge is also a-man of :great weight and influence, and he adds to his wide political experi- ence no little literary ability. He is a worthy representative of the best traditions. of the Senate,—a deliberative body which for the direct powers it exercises has no fellow 'in the world. Senator Turner is less well known, at any rate on this side of the Atlantic; but we may be sure that
the President's choice has been wisely exercised, for Mr. Roosevelt does not choose inferior men. It is to be hoped that our representatives will be not only men of equal intellec- tual powers, but also of equal standing before the nation.