21 FEBRUARY 1931, Page 1

News of the Week

The Spanish Crisis THE swiftness of King Alfonso's political movements is remarkable. He keeps his opponents guessing, and by the time they have guessed their answer is out of date. We have discussed the situation in a leading article, and here we need only record the latest facts. On Wednesday the King invited Admiral Aznar to form a Cabinet. Admiral Aznar at once visited General Berea- guer and about an hour later announced the composition of his Cabinet. Count Romanones is Minister for Foreign Affairs, General Berenguer is Minister of War, and the Marques de Alhucemas is Minister of Justice. The cen- sorship has been reimposed. Now that the King has taken a distinct step back from his position at the begin- ning of the week it is being said that his apparent willing- ness to commit the. question of the Monarchy to the judgment of the progressive-parties was-a -cleverly- eaku- lated method to disclose their weakness. He is now attempting to secure the Monarchy with the help of a Coalition Government which contains members of liberal views, but is not likely to -check the grOwth of Republican feeling.