21 FEBRUARY 2004, Page 27

No chance for good ideas

From B. D. Kelly Sir: Your leading article on the tragedy at Morecambe Bay (14 February) was so humane, so clear, so well argued and so obviously correct to anyone of goodwill that I'm afraid there is no chance whatsoever of its ideas being adopted by any political party, least of all the governing one.

B.D. Kelly

Brackley, Northamptonshire From Alastair Ross Sir: In your leading article, the writer claims that 'people who go to the trouble of emigrating to a different country . . . are usually enterprising and hard-working by nature', and this statement is certainly true of the Chinese. However, if one looks at the Norwegian experience, a very different picture emerges. On average, 65 per cent of Norway's immigrants from non-Western countries are living on welfare, to the cost of which must be added the financial burden of numerically disproportionate immigrant-related crime rates.

This scenario, perhaps the future European demographic norm, will doubtless create a permanent ethnically alien underclass whose expectations will have to be imaginatively managed.

Alastair Ross

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia