21 JANUARY 1843, Page 10


The Jessie Logan, Major, from Calcutta to Liverpool, was totally wrecked near Bo- castle, on the 16th January.

The Santon. from Calcutta to Liverpool, was wrecked in the Borough of Ballyteague Bay. on the 13th January ; master and three men drowned.

The Conqueror, Duggan, from Calcutta, was totally wrecked near Boulogne, on the 14th January; only oue man saved. The Guisachau, from Calcutta to Liverpool, has put into the Cape of Good Hope, dis- masted, and would have to discharge part of her cargo.

ARRIVED—At Gravesend, Jan. 18th, John Dugdale. Millwood, from Singapore ; Barbara. Cleverly, from Moulmein ; and Regulus, Hunter, from Ceylon. lu the Downs, Jan. 16th, Princess Royal. Brock ; and Alexander. Ramsay, from Calcutta ; 17th, City of Pounah. Bird, from Madras ; 18th, Panther', Marmand; and Baronet, Whitehead, from Calcutta. In the Channel, Jan. 18th, London, Gibson, from Singa- pore ; Kandiana, Rogers, from Calcutta; and Rachel, Ilarmer, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, Jan. 20th, Old England, Hodgson, from Calcutta. At Cork, Jan. 18th, Royal Saxon, Crawford. from China. At St. Helena, previous to Dec. 10th, British Sovereign, Cow, from China ; Corsair Greig, from Batavia ; Mars, Roper ; and Prin- cess Royal, Brock, from Calcutta ; !maxim of Muscat, Riches, from Ceylon ; and Ben- gal Merchant. Hemery. from Madras. At the Cape of Goad Hope, previous to Nov. 29th, John Woodall, Williams ; George the Fourth, Parsons ; and Olivia, Roome, from Loudon: Pilgrim, Rawlings ; and Watkins. Whiteside, from Liverpool ; Hindostan, Morsby, from Southampton : Mary Pring, Brown, from the Clyde; John Mitchell, Cable, from Plymouth ; Mysore, Ward, from Singapore ; William, Caithness ; and Helen, Boag. from Calcutta ; and Amy. White, from Bombay. SAILED—From Liverpool, Jan. 17th, Fanny Connell. Evans. for Singapore; 18th, Nestor, M'Neikam, for Calcutta ; 19th Tigris, WGill ; and Enterprise, Robertson, for Ditto ; Chieftain, Payne. for Bombay; and Antigua packet, Hunter, for Ceylon. From the Clyde, Jan. 12th, James Campbell, Pitcairn, for Hong-koug ; 14th, Parsee, Chivar, for Ceylon; and E. Thorne, Anderson, for Botany.


ARRIVED—Off Portsmouth, Jupiter, Hicks, from Sydney. OffPortland, Amy. White, from Bombay. Off Falmouth, Bengal Merchant, Hemery, from Calcutta. Off Pen zance. Argyle, Gatenby, from Mauritius.