21 JANUARY 1843, Page 13

The Haymarket closed on Saturday, with performances for the bene-

fit of Mr. WEBSTER. He delivered an address, stuffed with savoury similes, that seem to have been much relished by the audience ; in which he announced another engagement of Mr. and Mrs. C. KEAN in addition to the present company, and promised gas-light instead of candles,—a change that may be more convenient to the manager than agreeable to the audience, unless the house be well ventilated. Mrs. GLOVER took a benefit on Wednesday, that, we regret to say, seemed to be any thing but beneficial : the performance of A New Way to Pay Old Debts, by a party of amateurs calling themselves the Histrionic Club, being neither attractive nor tolerable. Mrs. GLOVER recited " Alexander's Feast "; and one of her daughters, Mrs. J. BLAND, played Molly Maggs in the Scapegoat, with the spirit and confidence though not quite the ease of an experienced actress.