21 JANUARY 1843, Page 19


WAR-OFFICE, Jan. 20.-2d Itegt, Life Guards—H. H. 0. Clayton, Geld. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Lucas, promoted; W. H. Greville. Gent. to be Cor- net and Sub-Lieut. without purchase, vice De Winton, dec. 2c1 Foot—W. W. Kirkby, Gent. to be Eusigu by purchase, vice Burnside, appointed to the 61st Foot. 5th Foot- Lieut. F. F. Johnston to be Captain by purchase, vice May. who retires ; Second Limit. J. A. Forrest to Find Lieut. by purchase, vice Johnson; H. Knapp, Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Forrest. 6th Foot—Paymaster A. J. Macpherson, from the 77th Foot. to be Paymaster, vice J. Blakeman, who retires upon half-pay. 10th Foot — Ensign M. V. Bull to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Adams, who retires ; J. W. Med- burst, Gent, to be Eusign by purchase. vice Bull. 13.h Foal— Ensign G. F. King to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Scott, dec.; Ensign C. W. Hinsman, from the 911, Foot. to be Eusign, vice King. 28th Foot—Lieut. H. D. Smart to be Captain by purchase, vice Russell. who retires. 41st Foot—Lieut. G. S. Montizambert to be Captain, with- out purchase, vice Wetherell, dec.; Lieut. J. Ewan to be Adjt. vica Moutizambert, promoted. 55th Foot—Lieut. A. H. Chaproutere to be Captain, without purchase, vice Campbell, dec.; Ensign H. J. W. Egan to be Lieut. vice Chaproniere. 57th Foot —Staff-Sug. of the second class R. II. A. Hunter to be Surg. vice Alexander Braithwait Morgan, who retires up ou half-pay. 5Sth Foot—Lieut. William Henry More Simmons, from the 76th Foot, to be. Lieutenant, vice Saunders, who exchanges. 61st Foot—Ensign II. E. H. Burnside, from the 2d foot, to be Ensign. vice Wedner- burn. promoted. 67th Foot—Lieut. J. W. Saunders, from the 32111 foot, to be Lieut. vice Simmons, who exchanges, 73th Fo it—Assist.-Surg. J. Mitchell. M.D. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Archer, promoted on the Staff. 951.11 Foot —Ensign G. M. Hicks, to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Pratt, who retires ; 0. C. Vialls, Gen. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hicks.

Depots—Capt. H. Jackson. from the 62d Foot, to be Staff Capt. at Chatham, and attached to the Provisional Battalion.

Hospital Staff—Surg. J. Moffit. M.D. from the 12th Light Drags. to be Staff Surg. of the first class, vice !Jacket. promoted ; Assist..Surg. G. Archer, M.D. from the 78th Foot, to be Staff Sorg. of the second class, vice Hunter. appointed to the 57th Foot ; W. W. Weld. Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Mitchelt, appointed to the 78th Foot.

Afemeranclum—The Christian name of Ensign Mosley, of the 95th Regiment of Foot, is Arthur only, and not Arthur T. as previously stated : the date of the commission of Adjt. M'Gregor, as Lieut. in the 28th Foot, has beeu antedated to the 1st May, 1842: the names of the Second Lieut. appointed to the Ceylon Rifle Regiment, on the 27th December, 1892, are Felix Edmoustone St. Hill. not Felix Hill, as previously stated.