AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. • Wheat 47.. 21 Rye. ..... .... 119.. 4.1 Wheat Os. id. 1 Bye 1111.6d.
Barley ........ 24 0 Ream ... ..,..• 28 a Berle, le 0 Beans It e660 lists. l• C teas.. 31 0 Oats a 0 Peas
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good 90i. 03* SO... VW Inferior 70 .. 84 0 ., o e New o . o .... o .. o .... o .. • ..... o .. 4 Clover 90 .. 113 75 . 119 0 .. o .. .. 84 .. 105 SLIVI., Wheat 48 .. 53 48 .. 50 40 .. 46
Beef 25. 4d to as. 2d. to 4s. Od. IN. 4d. to 44. Od to 41.44 Mutton 9 4 .. 5 2 . 8 a X 0 .. It 4 .. • 4 Veal I 8 .. a 8 .. 4 8 0 0 .. 4 2 .. 5 4 Pork 9 6 .. a 4 .. 4 4 8 10 .. 4 4 ,. 4 0 Lamb 0 a .. o o .. 0 0 ... .... 0 0 .. 0 a .. 0 °
Been,. Sheep. Calve.. Pep.
Friday Cu? 2,414 WS Mkt
Monday 5,017 80,400 IS Da
GRAIN, Mark Lane, January 20. a. s. .. ..
Ere 80 to 34 Ideple 29 to 81 Oats, Feed . 16 t a 17 Barley .... 53,.24 White 80 .. 34 Mine 17 . • I, Malting CU ..28 Boilers 82 .14 Poland I0 . 0 Mati„Ordinary. 48 .. 50 Beans,Ileks .. 28 . 47 Fine 00 .. At Fine 50 .. 52 Old 58 ,. 30 Potato r0. • 51 Peas, Hog 28 .. 29 Harrow 30 .. as Niue ....El ..23
Wheat, RedNeatel t o 48 Fine 45 .. 50 White' M .. 40 Piss 44..48
Old erfineNew4: .. .. 304,„
during the Week muting Friday Evening.) Bases-
Australasian - British North American - Colonial - London and Westminster - London Joint Stock - National of Ireland - National Provincial Provincial of Ireland 29ex d. Unita of Australia 81 Union of London - Deems - 914 East and West India - Loudon
361 St. Katherine . 5 MISCELLANEOUS-
- Australian Agricultural 211 British American Land 91 Canada 70 General Steam 64 New Zealand 634 Royal Mail Steam
224 South Australian
631 Van Diemeu's Land 524 174
22 134 exd.
434 324 117ex d 871 exit 1031 exd
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wedges.
944 ex d 941 93 1013
101 ex d.
121 17'21 62 pin. 57 pm. Thurs.
941 941 951 1024 101 121 1724 262 64 59
941 951 101.1 101 124 1721 2614 exd 60 53 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Ceuta. Reduced 34 per Cents Reduced
New 34 per Cents
Loug Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per cent ludic Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills. 2d. per diem India Bonds, 31 per cent..
944. 944 954 1011 101 12; 1724
65 59 941 944 951 1011 101 124 1721 2611 65 60
941 941 954 1011 1001 121 1724 2624 64 59 N FUNDS.
the Week ending Friday Evening.) Mexican 5 p. Ct. - I Ditto (Deferred) 5 - - Michigan 6 - 1021 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 734 Neapolitan 231 New York (1855) 5 - Ohio 6
75 Peutisylvataia . 5
231 Peruvian 6
851 Portuguese 3
521 Ditto 5
1024 Ditto (New) 5
- Russian 5 119150e. Spanish 5 23 Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) - - South Carolina Tennessee. 5 p. Ct. 6 - Uuited States Bank 90 Virginia 5 - FORE1G (Last Official Quotation during Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Arkausas (1863) 6 Austrian 5 Belgian 5 Brazilian 5 Buenos Ayres 6 Cuba 6 Chiliau 6 Columbian of 1824 6 Danish 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 Freuch 3 - Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 Illinois 6 Kentucky 6 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 Maryland 6 Bassachussetts (Sterliug)5 324
104 so 674 exit
871 10s.
(Last Official Quotation
Bolauos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. Joint del Rey) British Iron data Branca Candouga Ohre Copper
Chelteuham aud Great Western Eastern Counties GrandJuuction Great Western Liverpool and Mauchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell Loudon aud Greenwich London aud Birmingham Loudon aud Croydon Manchester nod Leeds Midland Ccuuties North Midlaud South-easteru aud Dover South-western