The Anti-Corn-law League have had a triumph in Scotland :
their deputation have made quite a " progress," and created a ferment in the country. Arguments and representations current on the subject have of course been read in Scotland as well as in England ; but the persons of the advocates are new, and zeal for free trade in corn is stimulated by curiosity to see the lions. The blending of earnest expression and prac- tical business-like bearing in Richard Cobden, and the clearness of his exposition—so far as it goes—seem to have taken the men of the North by surprise. Colonel Thompson's quaint illustrations and packed-up apophthegms let off in successive explosions, with his lively good- humoured style—things which we are familiar with here—are new to the ears of the Scotch; and the effect is what it might have been in England a quarter of a century ago, had the "Corn-law Catechism" been written, and the author been made a star for an attraction at popular tea-parties and dinner-parties, then. The result is, that the deputation have produced considerable "excitement," and a triumph for the League. They have moreover called forth the Scotch ladies to take part, in considerable numbers, iu purely political meetings ; a novelty. And they have drawn forth Mr. Fox Maule as a Total Repealer : henceforth the Ex-Under-Secretary is one of the Whig Members iu attendance on the League. What with brilliant soirees, municipal honours for Mr. Cobden, lady agitators, and the conversion of Fox Maule— who has all the bold-spoken confidence of a neophyte—there is some real advance here.